Ming-Song Chen
Constitutive modeling for elevated temperature flow behavior of 42CrMo steel
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Computational Materials Science 42 (3), 470-477, 2008
Prediction of 42CrMo steel flow stress at high temperature and strain rate
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Mechanics Research Communications 35 (3), 142-150, 2008
Constitutive descriptions for hot compressed 2124-T851 aluminum alloy over a wide range of temperature and strain rate
YC Lin, YC Xia, XM Chen, MS Chen
Computational Materials Science 50 (1), 227-233, 2010
A physically-based constitutive model for a typical nickel-based superalloy
YC Lin, XM Chen, DX Wen, MS Chen
Computational Materials Science 83, 282-289, 2014
Effect of temperature and strain rate on the compressive deformation behavior of 42CrMo steel
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Journal of materials processing technology 205 (1), 308-315, 2008
Modeling of flow stress of 42CrMo steel under hot compression
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 499 (1), 88-92, 2009
The kinetics of dynamic recrystallization of 42CrMo steel
MS Chen, YC Lin, XS Ma
Materials Science and Engineering: A 556, 260-266, 2012
Microstructural evolution of a nickel-based superalloy during hot deformation
XM Chen, YC Lin, MS Chen, HB Li, DX Wen, JL Zhang, M He
Materials & Design 77, 41-49, 2015
Study of dynamic recrystallization in a Ni-based superalloy by experiments and cellular automaton model
YX Liu, YC Lin, HB Li, DX Wen, XM Chen, MS Chen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 626, 432-440, 2015
Study of static recrystallization kinetics in a low alloy steel
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Computational Materials Science 44 (2), 316-321, 2008
Microstructural evolution in 42CrMo steel during compression at elevated temperatures
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Materials Letters 62 (14), 2132-2135, 2008
Numerical simulation for stress/strain distribution and microstructural evolution in 42CrMo steel during hot upsetting process
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Computational Materials Science 43 (4), 1117-1122, 2008
Study of metadynamic recrystallization behaviors in a low alloy steel
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (5), 2477-2482, 2009
Effects of deformation temperatures on stress/strain distribution and microstructural evolution of deformed 42CrMo steel
YC Lin, MS Chen, J Zhong
Materials & Design 30 (3), 908-913, 2009
Study of microstructural evolution during metadynamic recrystallization in a low-alloy steel
YC Lin, MS Chen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 501 (1), 229-234, 2009
Hot tensile deformation behaviors and constitutive model of 42CrMo steel
YC Huang, YC Lin, J Deng, G Liu, MS Chen
Materials & Design 53, 349-356, 2014
Effect of pre-treatment on hot deformation behavior and processing map of an aged nickel-based superalloy
DG He, YC Lin, MS Chen, J Chen, DX Wen, XM Chen
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 649, 1075-1084, 2015
Numerical simulation and experimental verification of void evolution inside large forgings during hot working
MS Chen, YC Lin
International Journal of Plasticity 49, 53-70, 2013
Study of microstructural evolution during static recrystallization in a low alloy steel
YC Lin, MS Chen
Journal of materials science 44 (3), 835-842, 2009
A new phenomenological constitutive model for hot tensile deformation behaviors of a typical Al–Cu–Mg alloy
YC Lin, Y Ding, MS Chen, J Deng
Materials & Design 52, 118-127, 2013
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