Norberto Fernandez
Norberto Fernandez
Profesor del Centro Universitario de la Defensa en la Escuela Naval Militar (CUD-ENM)
確認したメール アドレス: cud.uvigo.es - ホームページ
Proportional justified representation
L Sánchez-Fernández, E Elkind, M Lackner, N Fernández, J Fisteus, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
Architecting time-critical big-data systems
P Basanta-Val, NC Audsley, AJ Wellings, I Gray, N Fernández-García
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 2 (4), 310-324, 2016
Assessing rebar corrosion through the combination of nondestructive GPR and IRT methodologies
M Solla, S Lagüela, N Fernández, I Garrido
Remote Sensing 11 (14), 1705, 2019
Improving the predictability of distributed stream processors
P Basanta-Val, N Fernández-García, AJ Wellings, NC Audsley
Future Generation Computer Systems 52, 22-36, 2015
Ztreamy: A middleware for publishing semantic streams on the web
JA Fisteus, NF Garcia, LS Fernandez, D Fuentes-Lorenzo
Journal of web semantics 25, 16-23, 2014
The NEWS ontology: Design and applications
N Fernández, D Fuentes, L Sánchez, JA Fisteus
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 8694-8704, 2010
IRT and GPR techniques for moisture detection and characterisation in buildings
I Garrido, M Solla, S Lagüela, N Fernández
Sensors 20 (22), 6421, 2020
News: Bringing semantic web technologies into news agencies
N Fernandez, JM Blazquez, JA Fisteus, L Sanchez, M Sintek, A Bernardi, ...
International Semantic Web Conference, 778-791, 2006
RDSZ: an approach for lossless RDF stream compression
N Fernández, J Arias, L Sánchez, D Fuentes-Lorenzo, Ó Corcho
The Semantic Web: Trends and Challenges: 11th International Conference, ESWC …, 2014
Grading multiple choice exams with low-cost and portable computer-vision techniques
JA Fisteus, A Pardo, NF García
Journal of Science Education and Technology 22, 560-571, 2013
Patterns for distributed real-time stream processing
P Basanta-Val, N Fernandez-Garcia, L Sanchez-Fernandez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (11), 3243-3257, 2017
IdentityRank: Named entity disambiguation in the context of the NEWS project
N Fernández, JM Blázquez, L Sánchez, A Bernardi
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 4th European Semantic Web …, 2007
IdentityRank: Named entity disambiguation in the news domain
N Fernández, JA Fisteus, L Sánchez, G López
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9207-9221, 2012
Webtlab: A cooccurencebased approach to kbp 2010 entity-linking task
N Fernández, JA Fisteus, L Sánchez, E Martin
Proc. TAC 2010 Workshop, 2010
Modeling Smart Grid neighborhoods with the ENERsip ontology
G López, V Custodio, JI Moreno, M Sikora, P Moura, N Fernández
Computers in industry 70, 168-182, 2015
Hashing and canonicalizing Notation 3 graphs
JA Fisteus, NF García, LS Fernández, CD Kloos
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 76 (7), 663-685, 2010
An experience with Semantic Web technologies in the news domain
L Sánchez-Fernández, N Fernández-García, A Bernardi, L Zapf, A Penas, ...
Workshop on Semantic Web Case Studies and Best Practices for eBusiness, 2005
La Web Semántica: fundamentos y breve" estado del arte"
NF García, LS Fernández
Novática: Revista de la Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 6-11, 2005
Fully open extensions to the D’Hondt method
L Sánchez-Fernández, N Fernández, JA Fisteus
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.05370, 21, 2016
Improving large-scale search engines with semantic annotations
D Fuentes-Lorenzo, N Fernandez, JA Fisteus, L Sanchez
Expert systems with applications 40 (6), 2287-2296, 2013
論文 1–20