María del Milagro Fernández Carrobles
María del Milagro Fernández Carrobles
Investigador Contratado, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
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Cited by
Diagnostic assessment of deep learning algorithms for detection of lymph node metastases in women with breast cancer
BE Bejnordi, M Veta, PJ Van Diest, B Van Ginneken, N Karssemeijer, ...
Jama 318 (22), 2199-2210, 2017
Glomerulosclerosis identification in whole slide images using semantic segmentation
G Bueno, MM Fernandez-Carrobles, L Gonzalez-Lopez, O Deniz
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 184, 105273, 2020
New trends of emerging technologies in digital pathology
G Bueno, MM Fernández-Carrobles, O Deniz, M García-Rojo
Pathobiology 83 (2-3), 61-69, 2016
Gun and knife detection based on faster R-CNN for video surveillance
MM Fernandez-Carrobles, O Deniz, F Maroto
Iberian conference on pattern recognition and image analysis, 441-452, 2019
Bonseyes: platform for open development of systems of artificial intelligence
T Llewellynn, MM Fernández-Carrobles, O Deniz, S Fricker, A Storkey, ...
Proceedings of the computing frontiers conference, 299-304, 2017
Vascular patterns provide therapeutic targets in aggressive neuroblastic tumors
I Tadeo, G Bueno, AP Berbegall, MM Fernández-Carrobles, V Castel, ...
Oncotarget 7 (15), 19935, 2016
A parallel solution for high resolution histological image analysis
G Bueno, R González, O Déniz, M García-Rojo, J González-García, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (1), 388-401, 2012
An automated system for whole microscopic image acquisition and analysis
G Bueno, O Déniz, MDM Fernández‐Carrobles, N Vállez, J Salido
Microscopy research and technique 77 (9), 697-713, 2014
OpenCV Essentials
OD Suarez, MMF Carrobles, NV Enano, GB García, IS Gracia, JAP Incertis, ...
Packt Publishing Ltd, 2014
Influence of texture and colour in breast TMA classification
MM Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M García-Rojo, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0141556, 2015
TMA vessel segmentation based on color and morphological features: application to angiogenesis research
MM Fernández-Carrobles, I Tadeo, G Bueno, R Noguera, O Déniz, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 263190, 2013
Automatic quantification of IHC stain in breast TMA using colour analysis
MM Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, M García-Rojo, L González-López, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 61, 14-27, 2017
Frequential versus spatial colour textons for breast TMA classification
MM Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M García-Rojo, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 42, 25-37, 2015
Automatic handling of tissue microarray cores in high-dimensional microscopy images
M del Milagro Fernández-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (3), 999-1007, 2013
Development of automated quantification methodologies of immunohistochemical markers to determine patterns of immune response in breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study
C López, C Callau, R Bosch, A Korzynska, J Jaén, M García-Rojo, ...
BMJ open 4 (8), e005643, 2014
Bagging tree classifier and texture features for tumor identification in histological images
MM Fernández-Carrobles, I Serrano, G Bueno, O Déniz
Procedia Computer Science 90, 99-106, 2016
The immune response in nonmetastatic axillary lymph nodes is associated with the presence of axillary metastasis and breast cancer patient outcome
C López, R Bosch, G Orero, A Korzynska, M García-Rojo, G Bueno, ...
The American journal of pathology 190 (3), 660-673, 2020
A CAD System for the Acquisition and Classification of Breast TMA in Pathology
M Fernandez-Carrobles, G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M García-Rojo, ...
Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans, 756-760, 2015
A morphometric tool applied to angiogenesis research based on vessel segmentation
MM Fernández-Carrobles, I Tadeo, R Noguera, M García-Rojo, O Déniz, ...
Diagnostic pathology 8, 1-5, 2013
Colour model analysis for histopathology image processing
G Bueno, O Déniz, J Salido, M Milagro Fernández, N Vállez, ...
Color medical image analysis, 165-180, 2013
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Articles 1–20