Economics of regulation and antitrust WK Viscusi, JE Harrington Jr, DEM Sappington MIT press, 2018 | 2765 | 2018 |
The impact of cyclical demand movements on collusive behavior J Haltiwanger, JE Harrington Jr The RAND Journal of Economics, 89-106, 1991 | 590 | 1991 |
Detecting cartels JE Harrington Working paper, 2005 | 433 | 2005 |
How do cartels operate? JE Harrington Jr Foundations and TrendsŪ in Microeconomics 2 (1), 1-105, 2006 | 404 | 2006 |
Economic policy, economic performance, and elections JE Harrington Jr The American Economic Review, 27-42, 1993 | 355 | 1993 |
OPTIMAL CORPORATE LENIENCY PROGRAMS* JE Harrington Jr The Journal of Industrial Economics 56 (2), 215-246, 2008 | 350 | 2008 |
Cartel pricing dynamics in the presence of an antitrust authority JE Harrington Jr RAND Journal of Economics, 651-673, 2004 | 232 | 2004 |
Product variety and firm agglomeration JH Fischer, JE Harrington Jr The RAND Journal of Economics, 281-309, 1996 | 213 | 1996 |
Private monitoring and communication in cartels: Explaining recent collusive practices JE Harrington, A Skrzypacz American Economic Review 101 (6), 2425-2449, 2011 | 209 | 2011 |
Developing competition law for collusion by autonomous artificial agents JE Harrington Journal of Competition Law & Economics 14 (3), 331-363, 2018 | 206 | 2018 |
Endogenous cartel formation with heterogeneous firms I Bos, JE Harrington, Jr The RAND Journal of Economics 41 (1), 92-117, 2010 | 206 | 2010 |
Centralization vs. decentralization in a multi-unit organization: A computational model of a retail chain as a multi-agent adaptive system MH Chang, JE Harrington Management Science 46 (11), 1427-1440, 2000 | 201 | 2000 |
Agent-based models of organizations MH Chang, JE Harrington Jr Handbook of computational economics 2, 1273-1337, 2006 | 200 | 2006 |
Optimal cartel pricing in the presence of an antitrust authority JE Harrington Jr International Economic Review 46 (1), 145-169, 2005 | 187 | 2005 |
A spatial theory of positive and negative campaigning JE Harrington Jr, GD Hess Games and Economic behavior 17 (2), 209-229, 1996 | 186 | 1996 |
Games, Strategies, and Decision Making J Harrington Worth Publisher, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
Modeling the birth and death of cartels with an application to evaluating competition policy JE Harrington Jr, MH Chang Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (6), 1400-1435, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
Post‐cartel pricing during litigation JE Harrington Jr The Journal of Industrial Economics 52 (4), 517-533, 2004 | 171 | 2004 |
Cartel pricing dynamics with cost variability and endogenous buyer detection JE Harrington Jr, J Chen International Journal of Industrial Organization 24 (6), 1185-1212, 2006 | 169 | 2006 |
Avoiding market dominance: Product compatibility in markets with network effects J Chen, U Doraszelski, JE Harrington, Jr The RAND Journal of Economics 40 (3), 455-485, 2009 | 168 | 2009 |