Mitul Mehta
Mitul Mehta
Professor of Neuroimaging & Psychopharmacology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
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Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis
M Hoogman, J Bralten, DP Hibar, M Mennes, MP Zwiers, LSJ Schweren, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 4 (4), 310-319, 2017
Opposite effects of Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on human brain function and psychopathology
S Bhattacharyya, PD Morrison, P Fusar-Poli, R Martin-Santos, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (3), 764-774, 2010
Methylphenidate enhances working memory by modulating discrete frontal and parietal lobe regions in the human brain
MA Mehta, AM Owen, BJ Sahakian, N Mavaddat, JD Pickard, TW Robbins
The Journal of neuroscience 20 (6), RC65, 2000
Salience network integrity predicts default mode network function after traumatic brain injury
V Bonnelle, TE Ham, R Leech, KM Kinnunen, MA Mehta, RJ Greenwood, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (12), 4690-4695, 2012
Cognitive deficits in people who have recovered from COVID-19
A Hampshire, W Trender, SR Chamberlain, AE Jolly, JE Grant, F Patrick, ...
EClinicalMedicine 39, 2021
Amygdala, hippocampal and corpus callosum size following severe early institutional deprivation: the English and Romanian Adoptees study pilot
MA Mehta, NI Golembo, C Nosarti, E Colvert, A Mota, SCR Williams, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50 (8), 943-951, 2009
Distinct frontal systems for response inhibition, attentional capture, and error processing
DJ Sharp, V Bonnelle, X De Boissezon, CF Beckmann, SG James, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (13), 6106-6111, 2010
Effects of profound early institutional deprivation: An overview of findings from a UK longitudinal study of Romanian adoptees
M Rutter, C Beckett, J Castle, E Colvert, J Kreppner, M Mehta, S Stevens, ...
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 4 (3), 332-350, 2007
Brain imaging of the cortex in ADHD: a coordinated analysis of large-scale clinical and population-based samples
M Hoogman, R Muetzel, JP Guimaraes, E Shumskaya, M Mennes, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 176 (7), 531-542, 2019
Methylphenidate improves working memory and set‐shifting in AD/HD: relationships to baseline memory capacity
MA Mehta, IM Goodyer, BJ Sahakian
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 45 (2), 293-305, 2004
Cognitive enhancement by drugs in health and disease
M Husain, MA Mehta
Trends in cognitive sciences 15 (1), 28-36, 2011
Ketamine effects on brain GABA and glutamate levels with 1H-MRS: relationship to ketamine-induced psychopathology
JM Stone, C Dietrich, R Edden, MA Mehta, S De Simoni, LJ Reed, ...
Molecular psychiatry 17 (7), 664-665, 2012
Hyporesponsive reward anticipation in the basal ganglia following severe institutional deprivation early in life
MA Mehta, E Gore-Langton, N Golembo, E Colvert, SCR Williams, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 22 (10), 2316-2325, 2010
Measuring fMRI reliability with the intra-class correlation coefficient
A Caceres, DL Hall, FO Zelaya, SCR Williams, MA Mehta
Neuroimage 45 (3), 758-768, 2009
Improved short-term spatial memory but impaired reversal learning following the dopamine D2 agonist bromocriptine in human volunteers
MA Mehta, R Swainson, AD Ogilvie, B Sahakian, TW Robbins
Psychopharmacology 159, 10-20, 2001
Systemic sulpiride in young adult volunteers simulates the profile of cognitive deficits in Parkinson’s disease
MA Mehta, BJ Sahakian, PJ McKenna, TW Robbins
Psychopharmacology 146, 162-174, 1999
Neuropsychological predictors of clinical outcome in opiate addiction
F Passetti, L Clark, MA Mehta, E Joyce, M King
Drug and alcohol dependence 94 (1-3), 82-91, 2008
Impaired set-shifting and dissociable effects on tests of spatial working memory following the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist sulpiride in human volunteers
MA Mehta, FF Manes, G Magnolfi, BJ Sahakian, TW Robbins
Psychopharmacology 176, 331-342, 2004
The dopaminergic basis of human behaviors: A review of molecular imaging studies
A Egerton, MA Mehta, AJ Montgomery, JM Lappin, OD Howes, SJ Reeves, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 33 (7), 1109-1132, 2009
The Ultimatum Game and the brain: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies
AS Gabay, J Radua, MJ Kempton, MA Mehta
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 47, 549-558, 2014
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Articles 1–20