terashima hiroshi
terashima hiroshi
確認したメール アドレス: eng.hokudai.ac.jp - ホームページ
A front-tracking/ghost-fluid method for fluid interfaces in compressible flows
H Terashima, G Tryggvason
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (11), 4012-4037, 2009
Approach for simulating gas–liquid-like flows under supercritical pressures using a high-order central differencing scheme
H Terashima, M Koshi
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (20), 6907-6923, 2012
Mechanisms of strong pressure wave generation in end-gas autoignition during knocking combustion
H Terashima, M Koshi
Combustion and Flame 162 (5), 1944-1956, 2015
A front-tracking method with projected interface conditions for compressible multi-fluid flows
H Terashima, G Tryggvason
Computers & Fluids 39 (10), 1804-1814, 2010
A robust and accurate numerical method for transcritical turbulent flows at supercritical pressure with an arbitrary equation of state
S Kawai, H Terashima, H Negishi
Journal of Computational Physics 300, 116-135, 2015
Numerical (error) issues on compressible multicomponent flows using a high-order differencing scheme: weighted compact nonlinear scheme
T Nonomura, S Morizawa, H Terashima, S Obayashi, K Fujii
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (8), 3181-3210, 2012
Numerical study of the effect of obstacles on the spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen
Y Morii, H Terashima, M Koshi, T Shimizu
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 34, 92-99, 2015
A high‐resolution scheme for compressible multicomponent flows with shock waves
S Kawai, H Terashima
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 66 (10), 1207-1225, 2011
ERENA: A fast and robust Jacobian-free integration method for ordinary differential equations of chemical kinetics
Y Morii, H Terashima, M Koshi, T Shimizu, E Shima
Journal of Computational Physics 322, 547-558, 2016
High-resolution numerical method for supercritical flows with large density variations
H Terashima, S Kawai, N Yamanishi
AIAA journal 49 (12), 2658-2672, 2011
Origin and reactivity of hot-spots in end-gas autoignition with effects of negative temperature coefficients: Relevance to pressure wave developments
H Terashima, A Matsugi, M Koshi
Combustion and Flame 184, 324-334, 2017
Effects of initial diaphragm shape on spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen in a two-dimensional duct
H Terashima, M Koshi, C Miwada, T Mogi, R Dobashi
International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (11), 6013-6023, 2014
Consistent numerical diffusion terms for simulating compressible multicomponent flows
H Terashima, S Kawai, M Koshi
Computers & Fluids 88, 484-495, 2013
Chemical Kinetics of Hypergolic Ignition in Gas Mixtures
Y Daimon, H Terashima, M Koshi
Journal of propulsion and power 30 (3), 707-716, 2014
Unique characteristics of cryogenic nitrogen jets under supercritical pressures
H Terashima, M Koshi
Journal of propulsion and power 29 (6), 1328-1336, 2013
Hypergolic ignition and flame structures of hydrazine/nitrogen tetroxide co-flowing plane jets
H Tani, H Terashima, M Koshi, Y Daimon
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 2199-2206, 2015
Strategy for simulating supercritical cryogenic jets using high-order schemes
H Terashima, M Koshi
Computers & Fluids 85, 39-46, 2013
End-gas autoignition behaviors under pressure wave disturbance
H Terashima, A Matsugi, M Koshi
Combustion and Flame 203, 204-216, 2019
Computational Study of the Rate Coefficients for the Reactions of NO2 with CH3NHNH, CH3NNH2, and CH2NHNH2
N Kanno, H Tani, Y Daimon, H Terashima, N Yoshikawa, M Koshi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 119 (28), 7659-7667, 2015
Fast and robust time integration method for stiff chemical kinetic ODEs
Y Morii, H Terashima, M Koshi, T Shimizu
50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 3920, 2014
論文 1–20