Rafael Ghussn Cano
Rafael Ghussn Cano
Postdoc, Institute of Computing (IC) - University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
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Cited by
Mosaic drawings and cartograms
RG Cano, K Buchin, T Castermans, A Pieterse, W Sonke, B Speckmann
Computer Graphics Forum 34 (3), 361-370, 2015
A hybrid GRASP heuristic to construct effective drawings of proportional symbol maps
RG Cano, G Kunigami, CC De Souza, PJ De Rezende
Computers & operations research 40 (5), 1435-1447, 2013
Fast optimal labelings for rotating maps
RG Cano, CC de Souza, PJ de Rezende
International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, 161-173, 2017
Arc-based integer programming formulations for three variants of proportional symbol maps
RG Cano, CC de Souza, PJ de Rezende, T Yunes
Discrete optimization 18, 87-110, 2015
On computing the path number of a graph
F Botler, R Cano, M Sambinelli
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 346, 185-197, 2019
Abordagens heurísticas para o p-cabo-trincheira com localização de instalações
U Rocha, N Ramos, L Melo, M Benedito, A Silva, R Cano, F Miyazawa, ...
Anais do II Encontro de Teoria da Computação, 2017
Solving dynamic labeling problems to optimality using solution space reductions
RG Cano, CC de Souza, PJ de Rezende
Theoretical Computer Science 789, 77-92, 2019
Optimal Solutions for a Geometric Knapsack Problem using Integer Programming.
RG Cano, CC de Souza, PJ de Rezende
CCCG, 265-271, 2018
Sea regions for rectangular cartograms
K Buchin, RG Cano, PJ de Rezende, CC de Souza, B Speckmann
30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2014), 2014
Exact and heuristic solutions for the prize‐collecting geometric enclosure problem
N Ramos, RG Cano, PJ de Rezende, CC de Souza
International Transactions in Operational Research 31 (4), 2093-2122, 2024
Combinatorial optimization problems in cartographic data visualization= Problemas de otimização combinatória em visualização de dados cartográficos
RG Cano
[sn], 2016
Combinatorial optimization problems in cartographic data visualization
RG Cano
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Instituto de Computação, 0
An arc-based integer programming formulation for proportional symbol maps
RG Cano, CC de Souza, PJ de Rezende, T Yunes
Effective drawing of proportional symbol maps using
RG Cano, G Kunigami, CC de Souza, PJ de Rezende
10 th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization CTW …, 0
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Articles 1–14