Sameer Dharur
Sameer Dharur
Senior Research Scientist, Apple
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Cited by
Cited by
Habitat 2.0: Training home assistants to rearrange their habitat
A Szot, A Clegg, E Undersander, E Wijmans, Y Zhao, J Turner, N Maestre, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 34, 251-266, 2021
Motion-assisted image segmentation and object detection
S Dharur, V Jain, R Tyagi, HS Dhoat
US Patent App. 16/224,650, 2018
Topic classification of electric vehicle consumer experiences with transformer-based deep learning
S Ha, DJ Marchetto, S Dharur, OI Asensio
Patterns 2 (2), 2021
Episodic memory question answering
S Datta, S Dharur, V Cartillier, R Desai, M Khanna, D Batra, D Parikh
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Efficient surveillance and monitoring using the ELK stack for IoT powered smart buildings
S Dharur, K Swaminathan
2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC …, 2018
Using machine learning techniques to aid environmental policy analysis: a teaching case regarding big data and electric vehicle charging infrastructure
OI Asensio, X Mi, S Dharur
Case Studies in the Environment 4 (1), 961302, 2020
Energy efficient IoT framework for smart buildings
S Dharur, C Hota, K Swaminathan
2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics …, 2017
SOrT-ing VQA Models: Contrastive Gradient Learning for Improved Consistency
S Dharur, P Tendulkar, D Batra, D Parikh, RR Selvaraju
NAACL 2021, 2020
Extracting user behavior at electric vehicle charging stations with transformer deep learning models
DJ Marchetto, S Ha, S Dharur, OI Asensio
CARMA 2020, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and …, 2020
Modality Drop-Out for Multimodal Device Directed Speech Detection Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Features
G Krishna, S Dharur, O Rudovic, P Dighe, S Adya, AH Abdelaziz, ...
ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2024
Multimodal Large Language Models with Fusion Low Rank Adaptation for Device Directed Speech Detection
S Palaskar, O Rudovic, S Dharur, F Pesce, G Krishna, A Sivaraman, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.09617, 2024
Sub-Question Oriented Tuning of Visual Question Answering Models for Improved Consistency
S Dharur
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021
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