Older adults' attitudes towards and perceptions of ‘smart home’technologies: a pilot study G Demiris, MJ Rantz, MA Aud, KD Marek, HW Tyrer, M Skubic, ... Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine 29 (2), 87-94, 2004 | 945 | 2004 |
Technologies for an aging society: a systematic review of “smart home” applications G Demiris, BK Hensel Yearbook of medical informatics 17 (01), 33-40, 2008 | 676 | 2008 |
Fall detection in homes of older adults using the Microsoft Kinect EE Stone, M Skubic IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (1), 290-301, 2014 | 657 | 2014 |
Senior residents’ perceived need of and preferences for “smart home” sensor technologies G Demiris, BK Hensel, M Skubic, M Rantz International journal of technology assessment in health care 24 (1), 120-124, 2008 | 511 | 2008 |
A smart home application to eldercare: Current status and lessons learned M Skubic, G Alexander, M Popescu, M Rantz, J Keller Technology and Health Care 17 (3), 183-201, 2009 | 343 | 2009 |
Needing smart home technologies: the perspectives of older adults in continuing care retirement communities. KL Courtney, G Demeris, M Rantz, M Skubic Radcliffe Medical Press, 2008 | 313 | 2008 |
Spatial language for human-robot dialogs M Skubic, D Perzanowski, S Blisard, A Schultz, W Adams, M Bugajska, ... IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2004 | 313 | 2004 |
Linguistic summarization of video for fall detection using voxel person and fuzzy logic D Anderson, RH Luke, JM Keller, M Skubic, M Rantz, M Aud Computer vision and image understanding 113 (1), 80-89, 2009 | 296 | 2009 |
Doppler radar fall activity detection using the wavelet transform BY Su, KC Ho, MJ Rantz, M Skubic IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (3), 865-875, 2014 | 290 | 2014 |
Automatic fall detection based on Doppler radar motion signature L Liu, M Popescu, M Skubic, M Rantz, T Yardibi, P Cuddihy 2011 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2011 | 274 | 2011 |
Recognizing falls from silhouettes D Anderson, JM Keller, M Skubic, X Chen, Z He 2006 International conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and …, 2006 | 268 | 2006 |
Histogram of oriented normal vectors for object recognition with a depth sensor S Tang, X Wang, X Lv, TX Han, J Keller, Z He, M Skubic, S Lao Computer Vision–ACCV 2012: 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Daejeon …, 2013 | 266 | 2013 |
Evaluation of an inexpensive depth camera for passive in-home fall risk assessment EE Stone, M Skubic 2011 5th International conference on pervasive computing technologies for …, 2011 | 266 | 2011 |
An acoustic fall detector system that uses sound height information to reduce the false alarm rate M Popescu, Y Li, M Skubic, M Rantz 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008 | 257 | 2008 |
Unobtrusive, continuous, in-home gait measurement using the Microsoft Kinect EE Stone, M Skubic IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (10), 2925-2932, 2013 | 252 | 2013 |
Privacy and senior willingness to adopt smart home information technology in residential care facilities KL Courtney Methods of information in medicine 47 (01), 76-81, 2008 | 242 | 2008 |
Findings from a participatory evaluation of a smart home application for older adults G Demiris, DP Oliver, G Dickey, M Skubic, M Rantz Technology and health care 16 (2), 111-118, 2008 | 234 | 2008 |
Evaluation of an inexpensive depth camera for in-home gait assessment E Stone, M Skubic Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 3 (4), 349-361, 2011 | 228 | 2011 |
Passive in-home measurement of stride-to-stride gait variability comparing vision and Kinect sensing EE Stone, M Skubic 2011 Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and …, 2011 | 220 | 2011 |
A technology and nursing collaboration to help older adults age in place MJ Rantz, KD Marek, M Aud, HW Tyrer, M Skubic, G Demiris, A Hussam Nursing Outlook 53 (1), 40-45, 2005 | 165 | 2005 |