Jae Chul Kim
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Cited by
Interface stability in solid-state batteries
WD Richards, LJ Miara, Y Wang, JC Kim, G Ceder
Chemistry of Materials 28 (1), 266-273, 2016
Design principles for solid-state lithium superionic conductors
Y Wang, WD Richards, SP Ong, LJ Miara, JC Kim, Y Mo, G Ceder
Nature materials 14 (10), 1026-1031, 2015
Understanding interface stability in solid-state batteries
Y Xiao, Y Wang, SH Bo, JC Kim, LJ Miara, G Ceder
Nature Reviews Materials 5 (2), 105-126, 2020
Recent progress and perspective in electrode materials for K‐ion batteries
H Kim, JC Kim, M Bianchini, DH Seo, J Rodriguez‐Garcia, G Ceder
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (9), 1702384, 2018
Investigation of Potassium Storage in Layered P3‐Type K0.5MnO2 Cathode
H Kim, DH Seo, JC Kim, SH Bo, L Liu, T Shi, G Ceder
Advanced materials 29 (37), 1702480, 2017
Compatibility issues between electrodes and electrolytes in solid-state batteries
Y Tian, T Shi, WD Richards, J Li, JC Kim, SH Bo, G Ceder
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (5), 1150-1166, 2017
K‐Ion Batteries Based on a P2‐Type K0.6CoO2 Cathode
H Kim, JC Kim, SH Bo, T Shi, DH Kwon, G Ceder
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (17), 1700098, 2017
Design and synthesis of the superionic conductor Na10SnP2S12
WD Richards, T Tsujimura, LJ Miara, Y Wang, JC Kim, SP Ong, I Uechi, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11009, 2016
Hidden structural and chemical order controls lithium transport in cation-disordered oxides for rechargeable batteries
H Ji, A Urban, DA Kitchaev, DH Kwon, N Artrith, C Ophus, W Huang, Z Cai, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 592, 2019
A New Strategy for High‐Voltage Cathodes for K‐Ion Batteries: Stoichiometric KVPO4F
H Kim, DH Seo, M Bianchini, RJ Clément, H Kim, JC Kim, Y Tian, T Shi, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (26), 1801591, 2018
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of monoclinic LiMnBO3 as a Li intercalation material
JC Kim, CJ Moore, B Kang, G Hautier, A Jain, G Ceder
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158 (3), A309, 2011
Computational and Experimental Investigations of Na-Ion Conduction in Cubic Na3PSe4
SH Bo, Y Wang, JC Kim, WD Richards, G Ceder
Chemistry of Materials 28 (1), 252-258, 2016
Synthesis of BaCu(B2O5) Ceramics and their Effect on the Sintering Temperature and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Ceramics
MH Kim, JB Lim, JC Kim, S Nahm, JH Paik, JH Kim, KS Park
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 89 (10), 3124-3128, 2006
Design of Li 1+ 2x Zn 1− x PS 4, a new lithium ion conductor
WD Richards, Y Wang, LJ Miara, JC Kim, G Ceder
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (10), 3272-3278, 2016
Electrochemical properties and structural evolution of O3-type layered sodium mixed transition metal oxides with trivalent nickel
P Vassilaras, DH Kwon, ST Dacek, T Shi, DH Seo, G Ceder, JC Kim
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (9), 4596-4606, 2017
Synthesis and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Re3Ga5O12 (Re: Nd, Sm, Eu, Dy, Yb, and Y) Ceramics
JC Kim, MH Kim, JB Lim, S Nahm, JH Paik, JH Kim
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (2), 641-644, 2007
Flexible graphene‐, graphene‐oxide‐, and carbon‐nanotube‐based supercapacitors and batteries
R Zhang, A Palumbo, JC Kim, J Ding, EH Yang
Annalen der Physik 531 (10), 1800507, 2019
Computational investigation and experimental realization of disordered high-capacity Li-ion cathodes based on Ni redox
H Ji, DA Kitchaev, Z Lun, H Kim, E Foley, DH Kwon, Y Tian, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (7), 2431-2442, 2019
Direct observation of alternating octahedral and prismatic sodium layers in O3‐type transition metal oxides
JC Kim, DH Kwon, JH Yang, H Kim, SH Bo, L Wu, H Kim, DH Seo, T Shi, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (31), 2001151, 2020
Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of I4̅-Type Li1+2xZn1–xPS4 Solid Electrolyte
N Suzuki, WD Richards, Y Wang, LJ Miara, JC Kim, IS Jung, T Tsujimura, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (7), 2236-2244, 2018
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