Tomohiro Mashita
Tomohiro Mashita
Osaka Electro-Communication University
確認したメール アドレス: osakac.ac.jp - ホームページ
The effectiveness of an AR-based context-aware assembly support system in object assembly
BM Khuong, K Kiyokawa, A Miller, JJ La Viola, T Mashita, H Takemura
2014 IEEE virtual reality (VR), 57-62, 2014
Analysing the effects of a wide field of view augmented reality display on search performance in divided attention tasks
N Kishishita, K Kiyokawa, J Orlosky, T Mashita, H Takemura, E Kruijff
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR …, 2014
Exploring proxemics for human-drone interaction
A Yeh, P Ratsamee, K Kiyokawa, Y Uranishi, T Mashita, H Takemura, ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on human agent interaction …, 2017
Calibration method for misaligned catadioptric camera
T Mashita, Y Iwai, M Yachida
IEICE transactions on information and systems 89 (7), 1984-1993, 2006
The effectiveness of an AR-based context-aware assembly support system in object assembly. In 2014 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR)
BM Khuong, K Kiyokawa, A Miller, JJ La Viola, T Mashita, H Takemura
Minneapolis, MN, USA, 57-62, 2014
A comparison of adaptive view techniques for exploratory 3D drone teleoperation
J Thomason, P Ratsamee, J Orlosky, K Kiyokawa, T Mashita, Y Uranishi, ...
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 9 (2-3), 1-19, 2019
Vismerge: Light adaptive vision augmentation via spectral and temporal fusion of non-visible light
J Orlosky, P Kim, K Kiyokawa, T Mashita, P Ratsamee, Y Uranishi, ...
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 22-31, 2017
Adaptive view management for drone teleoperation in complex 3D structures
J Thomason, P Ratsamee, K Kiyokawa, P Kriangkomol, J Orlosky, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2017
A hybrid flying and walking robot for steel bridge inspection
P Ratsamee, P Kriengkomol, T Arai, K Kamiyama, Y Mae, K Kiyokawa, ...
2016 IEEE international symposium on safety, security, and rescue robotics …, 2016
Human activity recognition for a content search system considering situations of smartphone users
T Mashita, K Shimatani, M Iwata, H Miyamoto, D Komaki, T Hara, ...
2012 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshops (VRW), 1-2, 2012
Human-drone interaction: Using pointing gesture to define a target object
ACS Medeiros, P Ratsamee, Y Uranishi, T Mashita, H Takemura
Human-Computer Interaction. Multimodal and Natural Interaction: Thematic …, 2020
Subjective image quality assessment of a wide-view head mounted projective display with a semi-transparent retro-reflective screen
DN Van, T Mashita, K Kiyokawa, H Takemura
Pro. of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 22-27, 2011
A content search system considering the activity and context of a mobile user
M Iwata, H Miyamoto, T Hara, D Komaki, K Shimatani, T Mashita, ...
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17, 1035-1050, 2013
A next location prediction method for smartphones using blockmodels
J Fukano, T Mashita, T Hara, K Kiyokawa, H Takemura, S Nishio
2013 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), 1-4, 2013
A wide-view parallax-free eye-mark recorder with a hyperboloidal half-silvered mirror and appearance-based gaze estimation
H Mori, E Sumiya, T Mashita, K Kiyokawa, H Takemura
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (7), 900-912, 2010
A content search system for mobile devices based on user context recognition
T Mashita, D Komaki, M Iwata, K Shimatani, H Miyamoto, T Hara, ...
2012 IEEE Virtual Reality Workshops (VRW), 1-4, 2012
A location-based content search system considering situations of mobile users
M Iwata, T Hara, K Shimatani, T Mashita, K Kiyokawa, S Nishio, ...
Procedia Computer Science 5, 426-433, 2011
Guidance and visualization of optimized packing solutions
N Techasarntikul, P Ratsamee, J Orlosky, T Mashita, Y Uranishi, ...
Journal of Information Processing 28, 193-202, 2020
Poster: Investigation on the peripheral visual field for information display with real and virtual wide field-of-view see-through HMDs
N Kishishita, J Orlosky, T Mashita, K Kiyokawa, H Takemura
2013 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 143-144, 2013
Tracking and analysis of fucci-labeled cells based on particle filters and time-to-event analysis
K Fujimoto, S Seno, H Shigeta, T Mashita, M Ishii, H Matsuda
IJBBB, 2020
論文 1–20