Sohiko Kameyama
Sohiko Kameyama
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Determination of formaldehyde mixing ratios in air with PTR-MS: laboratory experiments and field measurements
S Inomata, H Tanimoto, S Kameyama, U Tsunogai, H Irie, Y Kanaya, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (2), 273-284, 2008
Evidence for the grazing hypothesis: Grazing reduces phytoplankton responses of the HNLC ecosystem to iron enrichment in the western subarctic pacific (SEEDS II)
A Tsuda, S Takeda, H Saito, J Nishioka, I Kudo, Y Nojiri, K Suzuki, ...
Journal of Oceanography 63, 983-994, 2007
Carbon isotopic characterization for the origin of excess methane in subsurface seawater
M Sasakawa, U Tsunogai, S Kameyama, F Nakagawa, Y Nojiri, A Tsuda
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C3), 2008
High-resolution measurement of multiple volatile organic compounds dissolved in seawater using equilibrator inlet–proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (EI–PTR-MS)
S Kameyama, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, U Tsunogai, A Ooki, S Takeda, ...
Marine Chemistry 122 (1-4), 59-73, 2010
Impacts of Temperature, CO2, and Salinity on Phytoplankton Community Composition in the Western Arctic Ocean
K Sugie, A Fujiwara, S Nishino, S Kameyama, N Harada
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 821, 2020
Equilibrator inlet-proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (EI-PTR-MS) for sensitive, high-resolution measurement of dimethyl sulfide dissolved in seawater
S Kameyama, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, U Tsunogai, A Ooki, Y Yokouchi, ...
Analytical chemistry 81 (21), 9021-9026, 2009
Abundance and distribution of dimethylsulfoniopropionate degradation genes and the corresponding bacterial community structure at dimethyl sulfide hot spots in the tropical and c
Y Cui, S Suzuki, Y Omori, SK Wong, M Ijichi, R Kaneko, S Kameyama, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (12), 4184-4194, 2015
High-resolution observations of dissolved isoprene in surface seawater in the Southern Ocean during austral summer 2010–2011
S Kameyama, S Yoshida, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, K Suzuki, ...
Journal of Oceanography 70, 225-239, 2014
Measurement of air-sea exchange of dimethyl sulfide and acetone by PTR-MS coupled with gradient flux technique
H Tanimoto, S Kameyama, T Iwata, S Inomata, Y Omori
Environmental science & technology 48 (1), 526-533, 2014
Global atmospheric budget of acetone: Air]sea exchange and the contribution to hydroxyl radicals
S Wang, EC Apel, RH Schwantes, KH Bates, DJ Jacob, EV Fischer, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (15), e2020JD032553, 2020
Origin and fate of deep-sea seeping methane bubbles at Kuroshima Knoll, Ryukyu forearc region, Japan
U Tsunogai, A Kosaka, N Nakayama, DD Komatsu, U Konno, ...
Geochemical journal 44 (6), 461-476, 2010
Methyl halides in surface seawater and marine boundary layer of the northwest Pacific
A Ooki, A Tsuda, S Kameyama, S Takeda, S Itoh, T Suga, H Tazoe, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C10), 2010
Sea]to]air flux of dimethyl sulfide in the South and North Pacific Ocean as measured by proton transfer reaction]mass spectrometry coupled with the gradient flux technique
Y Omori, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, K Ikeda, T Iwata, S Kameyama, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (13), 7216-7231, 2017
Distribution and Production Mechanisms of N2O in the Western Arctic Ocean
S Toyoda, T Kakimoto, K Kudo, N Yoshida, D Sasano, N Kosugi, M Ishii, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35 (4), e2020GB006881, 2021
Strong relationship between dimethyl sulfide and net community production in the western subarctic Pacific
S Kameyama, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, H Yoshikawa]Inoue, U Tsunogai, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (15), 3986-3990, 2013
Estimation of CH4 emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf based on atmospheric observations aboard the R/V Mirai during fall cruises from 2012 to 2017
Y Tohjima, J Zeng, T Shirai, Y Niwa, S Ishidoya, F Taketani, D Sasano, ...
Polar Science 27, 100571, 2021
Estimates of methane emissions from the Southern Ocean from quasi-continuous underway measurements of the partial pressure of methane in surface seawater during the 2012/13 c
OTN Bui, S Kameyama, H Yoshikawa-Inoue, M Ishii, D Sasano, H Uchida, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 70 (1), 1-15, 2018
Evaluation of using unfiltered seawater for underway measurement of dimethyl sulfide in the ocean by online mass spectrometry
Y Omori, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, S Kameyama, S Takao, K Suzuki
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 11 (10), 549-560, 2013
Application of PTR-MS to an incubation experiment of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
S Kameyama, H Tanimoto, S Inomata, K Suzuki, DD Komatsu, A Hirota, ...
Geochemical Journal 45 (5), 355-363, 2011
Ice Melting Can Change DMSP Production and Photosynthetic Activity of the Haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica1
S Kameyama, M Otomaru, A McMinn, K Suzuki
Journal of phycology 56 (3), 761-774, 2020
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Articles 1–20