Vishwambhar Rathi
Vishwambhar Rathi
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Nested polar codes for wiretap and relay channels
M Andersson, V Rathi, R Thobaben, J Kliewer, M Skoglund
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (8), 752-754, 2010
Density evolution, thresholds and the stability condition for non-binary LDPC codes
V Rathi, R Urbanke
Communications, IEE Proceedings- 152 (6), 1069-1074, 2005
Polar codes for cooperative relaying
R Blasco-Serrano, R Thobaben, M Andersson, V Rathi, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Communications 60 (11), 3263-3273, 2012
Rate-equivocation optimal spatially coupled LDPC codes for the BEC wiretap channel
V Rathi, R Urbanke, M Andersson, M Skoglund
Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on …, 2011
Performance analysis and design of two edge-type LDPC codes for the BEC wiretap channel
V Rathi, M Andersson, R Thobaben, J Kliewer, M Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (2), 1048-1064, 2013
On the asymptotic weight and stopping set distribution of regular LDPC ensembles
V Rathi
IEEE transactions on information theory 52 (9), 4212-4218, 2006
Polar codes for compress-and-forward in binary relay channels
R Blasco-Serrano, R Thobaben, V Rathi, M Skoglund
Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2010 Conference Record of the …, 2010
Bounds on threshold of regular random k-SAT
V Rathi, E Aurell, L Rasmussen, M Skoglund
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability …, 2010
Two edge type LDPC codes for the wiretap channel
V Rathi, M Andersson, R Thobaben, J Kliewer, M Skoglund
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2009 Conference Record of the Forty-Third …, 2009
Some results on MAP decoding of non-binary LDPC codes over the BEC
V Rathi, I Andriyanova
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (4), 2225-2242, 2011
Non-binary LDPC codes and EXIT like functions
V Rathi
EPFL, 2008
Conditional entropy of non-binary LDPC codes over the BEC
V Rathi
Information Theory, 2008. ISIT 2008. IEEE International Symposium on, 945-949, 2008
Binary weight distribution of non-binary LDPC codes
I Andriyanova, V Rathi, JP Tillich
Information Theory, 2009. ISIT 2009. IEEE International Symposium on, 65-69, 2009
On the asymptotic weight distribution of regular LDPC ensembles
V Rathi
Information Theory, 2005. ISIT 2005. Proceedings. International Symposium on …, 2005
Equivocation of eve using two edge type LDPC codes for the binary erasure wiretap channel
M Andersson, V Rathi, R Thobaben, J Kliewer, M Skoglund
Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2010 Conference Record of the …, 2010
Optimality of LDGM-LDPC compound codes for lossy compression of binary erasure source
G Demay, V Rathi, LK Rasmussen
Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA), 2010 International …, 2010
Rate distortion bounds for binary erasure source using sparse graph codes
G Demay, V Rathi, LK Rasmussen
Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2010, 49-58, 2010
Coding of streaming sources for the bidirectional broadcast channel
TJ Oechtering, V Rathi
Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM), 2010 5th International …, 2010
Degree Optimization and Stability Condition for the Min-Sum Decoder
K Bhattad, V Rathi, R Urbanke
Information Theory Workshop, 2007. ITW'07. IEEE, 190-195, 2007
Existence Proofs of Some EXIT Like Functions
V Rathi, R Urbanke
Information Theory, 2007. ISIT 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, 866-870, 2007
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Articles 1–20