Munir D. Nazzal
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Cited by
Application of shakedown theory in characterizing traditional and recycled pavement base materials
M Tao, LN Mohammad, MD Nazzal, Z Zhang, Z Wu
Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (3), 214-222, 2010
Assessment of in-situ test technology for construction control of base courses and embankments.
MY Abu-Farsakh, K Alshibli, M Nazzal, E Seyman
Louisiana Transportation Research Center, 2004
Evaluating the light falling weight deflectometer device for in situ measurement of elastic modulus of pavement layers
MD Nazzal, MY Abu-Farsakh, K Alshibli, L Mohammad
Transportation Research Record 2016 (1), 13-22, 2007
Comparative sustainability assessment of warm-mix asphalts: A thermodynamic based hybrid life cycle analysis
O Tatari, M Nazzal, M Kucukvar
Resources, conservation and recycling 58, 18-24, 2012
Effect of temperature reduction, foaming water content, and aggregate moisture content on performance of foamed warm mix asphalt
A Ali, A Abbas, M Nazzal, A Alhasan, A Roy, D Powers
Construction and Building Materials 48, 1058-1066, 2013
Evaluating the use of neural networks and genetic algorithms for prediction of subgrade resilient modulus
MD Nazzal, O Tatari
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 14 (4), 364-373, 2013
Estimation of resilient modulus of subgrade soils for design of pavement structures
MD Nazzal, LN Mohammad
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 22 (7), 726-734, 2010
Field evaluation of warm-mix asphalt technologies
S Sargand, MD Nazzal, A Al-Rawashdeh, D Powers
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 24 (11), 1343-1349, 2012
Field evaluation of in-situ test technology for Q (C)/Q (A) during construction of pavement layers and embankments
MD Nazzal
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2007
Mechanistic approach to pavement–vehicle interaction and its impact on life-cycle assessment
M Akbarian, SS Moeini-Ardakani, FJ Ulm, M Nazzal
Transportation research record 2306 (1), 171-179, 2012
Fundamental characterization of asphalt clay nanocomposites
MD Nazzal, S Kaya, T Gunay, P Ahmedzade
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 3 (1), 1-8, 2013
Using atomic force microscopy to evaluate the nanostructure and nanomechanics of warm mix asphalt
MD Nazzal, L Abu-Qtaish, S Kaya, D Powers
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 27 (10), 04015005, 2015
Multi-scale evaluation of the effect of rejuvenators on the performance of high RAP content mixtures
MD Nazzal, W Mogawer, A Austerman, LA Qtaish, S Kaya
Construction and Building Materials 101, 50-56, 2015
Multiscale evaluation of the composite asphalt binder in high–reclaimed asphalt pavement mixtures
MD Nazzal, W Mogawer, S Kaya, T Bennert
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (7), 04014019, 2014
Estimation of resilient modulus of subgrade soils using falling weight deflectometer
MD Nazzal, LN Mohammad
Transportation research record 2186 (1), 1-10, 2010
Implementation of a critical state two-surface model to evaluate the response of geosynthetic reinforced pavements
MD Nazzal, MY Abu-Farsakh, LN Mohammad
International Journal of Geomechanics 10 (5), 202-212, 2010
Evaluating the potential use of a portable LFWD for characterizing pavement layers and subgrades
M Nazzal, M Abu-Farsakh, K Alshibli, L Mohammad
Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects, 915-924, 2004
Application of dynamic cone penetrometer in pavement construction control
MY Abu-Farsakh, MD Nazzal, K Alshibli, E Seyman
Transportation research record 1913 (1), 53-61, 2005
Workability evaluation of foamed warm-mix asphalt
A Ali, A Abbas, M Nazzal, A Alhasan, A Roy, D Powers
Journal of materials in civil engineering 26 (6), 04014011, 2014
Micromechanical and chemical characterization of foamed warm-mix asphalt aging
L Abu Qtaish, MD Nazzal, A Abbas, S Kaya, S Akinbowale, MS Arefin, ...
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (9), 04018213, 2018
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Articles 1–20