Tom Ritter
Tom Ritter
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Model-driven tool integration with modelbus
C Hein, T Ritter, M Wagner
International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development 1, 35-39, 2009
Automated model driven development processes
A Aldazabal, T Baily, F Nanclares, A Sadovykh, C Hein, T Ritter
Proceedings of the ECMDA workshop on Model Driven Tool and Process …, 2008
A QoS metamodel and its realization in a CORBA component
T Ritter, M Born, T Unterschiitz, T Weis
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Model-based toolchain for the efficient development of safety-relevant automotive embedded systems
E Armengaud, M Zoier, A Baumgart, M Biehl, DJ Chen, G Griessnig, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2011
Automatic evaluation of modelling rules and design guidelines
T Farkas, C Hein, T Ritter
proc. of the Workshop “From code centric to Model centric Soft. Eng.”, http …, 2006
Quantum DevOps: Towards Reliable and Applicable NISQ Quantum Computing
ID Gheorghe-Pop, N Tcholtchev, T Ritter, M Hauswirth
2020 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps, 1-6, 2020
Model driven development of security aspects
J Reznik, T Ritter, R Schreiner, U Lang
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 163 (2), 65-79, 2007
Integrating security policies via container portable interceptors
T Ritter, R Schreiner, U Lang
Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Reflective and adaptive middleware systems, 5, 2005
Generation of formal model metrics for MOF based domain specific languages
C Hein, M Engelhardt, T Ritter, M Wagner
Electronic Communications of the EASST 24, 2010
Architecture driven modernization in practice–study results
A Sadovykh, L Vigier, A Hoffmann, J Grossmann, T Ritter, E Gomez, ...
2009 14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2009
Generation of formal model metrics for MOF based domain specific languages
M Engelhardt, C Hein, T Ritter, M Wagner
OCL Workshop, MODELS, 2009
Model-based testing in legacy software modernization: an experience report
MF Wendland, M Kranz, C Hein, T Ritter, A García Flaquer
Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and …, 2013
CORBA Komponenten: Effektives Software-Design und Programmierung
B Neubauer, T Ritter, F Stoinski
Springer-Verlag, 2013
An open modeling infrastructure integrating EDOC and CCM
O Kath, M Soden, M Born, T Ritter, A Blazarenas, M Funabashi, C Hirai
Seventh IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2003
System monitoring using constraint checking as part of model based system management
C Hein, T Ritter, M Wagner
Proc. of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on Models@ run. time, 2007
Computer Scientist’s and Programmer’s View on Quantum Algorithms: Mapping Functions’ APIs and Inputs to Oracles
ID Gheorghe-Pop, N Tcholtchev, T Ritter, M Hauswirth
Intelligent Computing, 188-203, 2022
Rapid engineering of collaborative and adaptive multimedia systems on top of corba components
P Santos, T Ritter, M Born
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, VDE, Offenbach, 2003
Specification of the deployment and configuration
A Hoffmann, T Ritter, J Reznik, M Born, B Neubauer, F Stoinski, ...
Deliverable D2 4, 2003
Building secure and interoperable ATC systems
R Schreiner, U Lang, T Ritter, J Reznik
Migrating Legacy Applications to the Service Cloud Paradigm: The REMICS Project
P Mohagheghi, F Barbier, A Berre, B Morin, A Sadovykh, T Saether, ...
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012
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Articles 1–20