Jonas Vlasselaer
Jonas Vlasselaer
AI Expert at DeltaRay
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Cited by
LS-SVM based spectral clustering and regression for predicting maintenance of industrial machines
R Langone, C Alzate, B De Ketelaere, J Vlasselaer, W Meert, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 37, 268-278, 2015
Problog2: Probabilistic logic programming
A Dries, A Kimmig, W Meert, J Renkens, G Van den Broeck, J Vlasselaer, ...
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2015
Anytime inference in probabilistic logic programs with Tp-compilation
J Vlasselaer, G Van den Broeck, A Kimmig, W Meert, L De Raedt
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Exploiting local and repeated structure in dynamic Bayesian networks
J Vlasselaer, W Meert, G Van den Broeck, L De Raedt
Artificial Intelligence 232, 43-53, 2016
Tp-compilation for inference in probabilistic logic programs
J Vlasselaer, G Van den Broeck, A Kimmig, W Meert, L De Raedt
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 78, 15-32, 2016
The most probable explanation for probabilistic logic programs with annotated disjunctions
D Shterionov, J Renkens, J Vlasselaer, A Kimmig, W Meert, G Janssens
Inductive Logic Programming: 24th International Conference, ILP 2014, Nancy …, 2015
Compiling probabilistic logic programs into sentential decision diagrams
J Vlasselaer, J Renkens, G Van den Broeck, L De Raedt
Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP), Vienna, 2014
ProbLog2: From probabilistic programming to statistical relational learning
J Renkens, D Shterionov, G Van den Broeck, J Vlasselaer, D Fierens, ...
Proc. of NIPS, 1-5, 2012
Knowledge compilation and weighted model counting for inference in probabilistic logic programs
J Vlasselaer, A Kimmig, A Dries, W Meert, L De Raedt
Workshops at the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016
Efficient probabilistic inference for dynamic relational models
J Vlasselaer, W Meert, G Van den Broeck, L De Raedt
Workshops at the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014
Dynamic sensor-frontend tuning for resource efficient embedded classification
L Galindez, K Badami, J Vlasselaer, W Meert, M Verhelst
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 8 (4 …, 2018
A relaxed tseitin transformation for weighted model counting
W Meert, J Vlasselaer, G Van den Broeck
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Statistical Relational AI …, 2016
Towards resource-efficient classifiers for always-on monitoring
J Vlasselaer, W Meert, M Verhelst
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2019
Statistical relational learning for prognostics
J Vlasselaer, W Meert
Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, 45-50, 2012
Condition monitoring with incomplete observations
J Vlasselaer, W Meert, R Langone, L De Raedt
ECAI 2014, 1215-1216, 2014
BEHAVE-Behavioral analysis of visual events for assisted living scenarios
C Fernando Crispim-Junior, J Vlasselaer, A Dries, F Bremond
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Feature Noise Tuning for Resource Efficient Bayesian Network Classifiers
LI Galindez Olascoaga, J Vlasselaer, W Meert, M Verhelst
ESANN 2018 proceedings, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks …, 2018
Dynamic Sensor-Frontend Tuning f
L Galindez, K Badami, J Vlasselaer, W Meert, M Verhlest
Citation Laura Galindez, Komail Badami, Jonas Vlasselaer, Wannes Meert …, 2018
Feature noise tuning for resource efficient Bayesian Network Classifiers.
LIG Olascoaga, J Vlasselaer, W Meert, M Verhelst
ESANN, 2018
BEHAVE-Behavioral analysis of visual events for assisted living scenarios
CF Crispim-Junior, J Vlasselaer, A Dries, F Bremond
Assisted Computer Vision and Robotics workshop in conjunction with …, 2017
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Articles 1–20