Toshihiro Kobayashi
Toshihiro Kobayashi
The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
確認したメール アドレス: g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
SOX17 is a critical specifier of human primordial germ cell fate
N Irie, L Weinberger, WWC Tang, T Kobayashi, S Viukov, YS Manor, ...
Cell 160 (1-2), 253-268, 2015
Generation of rat pancreas in mouse by interspecific blastocyst injection of pluripotent stem cells
T Kobayashi, T Yamaguchi, S Hamanaka, M Kato-Itoh, Y Yamazaki, ...
Cell 142 (5), 787-799, 2010
Specification and epigenetic programming of the human germ line
WWC Tang, T Kobayashi, N Irie, S Dietmann, MA Surani
Nature Reviews Genetics 17 (10), 585-600, 2016
Development of defective and persistent Sendai virus vector: a unique gene delivery/expression system ideal for cell reprogramming
K Nishimura, M Sano, M Ohtaka, B Furuta, Y Umemura, Y Nakajima, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (6), 4760-4771, 2011
Establishment of porcine and human expanded potential stem cells
X Gao, M Nowak-Imialek, X Chen, D Chen, D Herrmann, D Ruan, ...
Nature cell biology 21 (6), 687-699, 2019
Interspecies organogenesis generates autologous functional islets
T Yamaguchi, H Sato, M Kato-Itoh, T Goto, H Hara, M Sanbo, N Mizuno, ...
Nature 542 (7640), 191-196, 2017
Principles of early human development and germ cell program from conserved model systems
T Kobayashi, H Zhang, WWC Tang, N Irie, S Withey, D Klisch, A Sybirna, ...
Nature 546 (7658), 416-420, 2017
Blastocyst complementation generates exogenic pancreas in vivo in apancreatic cloned pigs
H Matsunari, H Nagashima, M Watanabe, K Umeyama, K Nakano, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (12), 4557-4562, 2013
Generation of kidney from pluripotent stem cells via blastocyst complementation
J Usui, T Kobayashi, T Yamaguchi, AS Knisely, R Nishinakamura, ...
The American journal of pathology 180 (6), 2417-2426, 2012
NANOG alone induces germ cells in primed epiblast in vitro by activation of enhancers
K Murakami, U Günesdogan, JJ Zylicz, WWC Tang, R Sengupta, ...
Nature 529 (7586), 403-407, 2016
Revisiting the flight of Icarus: making human organs from PSCs with large animal chimeras
T Rashid, T Kobayashi, H Nakauchi
Cell stem cell 15 (4), 406-409, 2014
Developmental epigenetic modification regulates stochastic expression of clustered protocadherin genes, generating single neuron diversity
S Toyoda, M Kawaguchi, T Kobayashi, E Tarusawa, T Toyama, M Okano, ...
Neuron 82 (1), 94-108, 2014
Generation of pluripotent stem cell-derived mouse kidneys in Sall1-targeted anephric rats
T Goto, H Hara, M Sanbo, H Masaki, H Sato, T Yamaguchi, S Hochi, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1-9, 2019
On the origin of the human germline
T Kobayashi, MA Surani
Development 145 (16), dev150433, 2018
Generation of germline-competent rat induced pluripotent stem cells
S Hamanaka, T Yamaguchi, T Kobayashi, M Kato-Itoh, S Yamazaki, ...
PloS one 6 (7), e22008, 2011
Targeted Organ Generation Using Mixl1-Inducible Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells in Blastocyst Complementation
T Kobayashi, M Kato-Itoh, H Nakauchi
Stem cells and development 24 (2), 182-189, 2015
Interspecific in vitro assay for the chimera-forming ability of human pluripotent stem cells
H Masaki, M Kato-Itoh, A Umino, H Sato, S Hamanaka, T Kobayashi, ...
Development 142 (18), 3222-3230, 2015
Tracing the transitions from pluripotency to germ cell fate with CRISPR screening
JA Hackett, Y Huang, U Günesdogan, KA Gretarsson, T Kobayashi, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1-12, 2018
Generation of vascular endothelial cells and hematopoietic cells by blastocyst complementation
S Hamanaka, A Umino, H Sato, T Hayama, A Yanagida, N Mizuno, ...
Stem Cell Reports 11 (4), 988-997, 2018
Identification of Rat Rosa26 Locus Enables Generation of Knock-In Rat Lines Ubiquitously Expressing tdTomato
T Kobayashi, M Kato-Itoh, T Yamaguchi, C Tamura, M Sanbo, ...
Stem cells and development 21 (16), 2981-2986, 2012
論文 1–20