Bill Kapralos
Cited by
Cited by
Assessment in and of serious games: An overview
F Bellotti, B Kapralos, K Lee, P Moreno-Ger, R Berta
Advances in Human‐Computer Interaction 2013 (1), 136864, 2013
Using serious games and virtual simulation for training in the fire service: a review
FM Williams-Bell, B Kapralos, A Hogue, BM Murphy, EJ Weckman
Fire Technology 51, 553-584, 2015
Healthcare training enhancement through virtual reality and serious games
S De Ribaupierre, B Kapralos, F Haji, E Stroulia, A Dubrowski, ...
Virtual, augmented reality and serious games for healthcare 1, 9-27, 2014
A survey of frameworks and game engines for serious game development
B Cowan, B Kapralos
2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2014
Serious games for knee replacement surgery procedure education and training
H Sabri, B Cowan, B Kapralos, M Porte, D Backstein, A Dubrowskie
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 2 (2), 3483-3488, 2010
Biometric identification system based on electrocardiogram data
Y Gahi, M Lamrani, A Zoglat, M Guennoun, B Kapralos, K El-Khatib
2008 New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 1-5, 2008
The role of collaborative interactivity in the observational practice of clinical skills
LEM Grierson, M Barry, B Kapralos, H Carnahan, A Dubrowski
Medical education 46 (4), 409-416, 2012
Audiovisual localization of multiple speakers in a video teleconferencing setting
B Kapralos, MRM Jenkin, E Milios
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 13 (1), 95-105, 2003
Virtual audio systems
B Kapralos, MR Jenkin, E Milios
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 17 (6), 527-549, 2008
The role of project‐based learning in IT: A case study in a game development and entrepreneurship program
A Hogue, B Kapralos, F Desjardins
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 8 (2), 120-134, 2011
A comparison of seated and room-scale virtual reality in a serious game for epidural preparation
R Shewaga, A Uribe-Quevedo, B Kapralos, F Alam
IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computing 8 (1), 218-232, 2017
A course on serious game design and development using an online problem-based learning approach
B Kapralos, S Fisher, J Clarkson, R van Oostveen
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 12 (2), 116-136, 2015
The missing piece in the gamification puzzle
D Rojas, B Kapralos, A Dubrowski
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gameful Design …, 2013
Sonification of range information for 3-D space perception
E Milios, B Kapralos, A Kopinska, S Stergiopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 11 (4 …, 2003
The oxford handbook of interactive audio
K Collins, B Kapralos, H Tessler
Oxford University Press, USA, 2014
Let's play together: Adaptation guidelines of board games for players with visual impairment
F da Rocha Tomé Filho, P Mirza-Babaei, B Kapralos, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Spatial sound for video games and virtual environments utilizing real-time GPU-based convolution
B Cowan, B Kapralos
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share …, 2008
Auditory perception and spatial (3d) auditory systems
B Kapralos, MRM Jenkin, E Milios
Department of Computer Science, York University, Tech. Rep. CS-2003-07, 2003
Auditory cues in the perception of self motion
B Kapralos, D Zikovitz, MR Jenkin, LR Harris
Audio Engineering Society Convention 116, 2004
The effectiveness of the foodbot factory mobile serious game on increasing nutrition knowledge in children
HM Froome, C Townson, S Rhodes, B Franco-Arellano, A LeSage, ...
Nutrients 12 (11), 3413, 2020
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Articles 1–20