Takashi Yamakawa
Takashi Yamakawa
NTT Social Informatics Laboratories
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Cited by
Tightly-secure key-encapsulation mechanism in the quantum random oracle model
T Saito, K Xagawa, T Yamakawa
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2018: 37th Annual International Conference …, 2018
Quantum commitments and signatures without one-way functions
T Morimae, T Yamakawa
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 269-295, 2022
Verifiable quantum advantage without structure
T Yamakawa, M Zhandry
Journal of the ACM 71 (3), 1-50, 2024
C Chen, O Danba, J Hoffstein, A Hulsing, J Rijneveld, JM Schanck, ...
NIST third round PQC submissions, 2020
One-wayness in quantum cryptography
T Morimae, T Yamakawa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.03394, 2022
Classical vs quantum random oracles
T Yamakawa, M Zhandry
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2021
Secure software leasing from standard assumptions
F Kitagawa, R Nishimaki, T Yamakawa
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 31-61, 2021
Classical verification of quantum computations with efficient verifier
NH Chia, KM Chung, T Yamakawa
Theory of Cryptography Conference, 181-206, 2020
Quantum encryption with certified deletion, revisited: Public key, attribute-based, and classical communication
T Hiroka, T Morimae, R Nishimaki, T Yamakawa
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2021: 27th International Conference on the …, 2021
Self-bilinear map on unknown order groups from indistinguishability obfuscation and its applications
T Yamakawa, S Yamada, G Hanaoka, N Kunihiro
Algorithmica 79 (4), 1286-1317, 2017
Quantum random oracle model with auxiliary input
M Hhan, K Xagawa, T Yamakawa
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2019
Designated verifier/prover and preprocessing NIZKs from Diffie-Hellman assumptions
S Katsumata, R Nishimaki, S Yamada, T Yamakawa
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2019: 38th Annual International Conference …, 2019
Tighter security proofs for GPV-IBE in the quantum random oracle model
S Katsumata, S Yamada, T Yamakawa
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2018: 24th International Conference on the …, 2018
Constrained PRFs for in traditional groups
N Attrapadung, T Matsuda, R Nishimaki, S Yamada, T Yamakawa
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 543-574, 2018
From the hardness of detecting superpositions to cryptography: Quantum public key encryption and commitments
M Hhan, T Morimae, T Yamakawa
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2023
Adaptively secure and succinct functional encryption: improving security and efficiency, simultaneously
F Kitagawa, R Nishimaki, K Tanaka, T Yamakawa
Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO 2019: 39th Annual International Cryptology …, 2019
Public key encryption with secure key leasing
S Agrawal, F Kitagawa, R Nishimaki, S Yamada, T Yamakawa
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2023
Adaptively secure constrained pseudorandom functions in the standard model
A Davidson, S Katsumata, R Nishimaki, S Yamada, T Yamakawa
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 559-589, 2020
Finding collisions in a quantum world: quantum black-box separation of collision-resistance and one-wayness
A Hosoyamada, T Yamakawa
Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2020: 26th International Conference on the …, 2020
Certified everlasting zero-knowledge proof for QMA
T Hiroka, T Morimae, R Nishimaki, T Yamakawa
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 239-268, 2022
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Articles 1–20