Kengo Sato
Kengo Sato
Professor, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
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Adaptive seeds tame genomic sequence comparison
SM Kiełbasa, R Wan, K Sato, P Horton, MC Frith
Genome research 21 (3), 487-493, 2011
CentroidFold: a web server for RNA secondary structure prediction
K Sato, M Hamada, K Asai, T Mituyama
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl_2), W277-W280, 2009
RNA secondary structure prediction using deep learning with thermodynamic integration
K Sato, M Akiyama, Y Sakakibara
Nature communications 12 (1), 941, 2021
IPknot: fast and accurate prediction of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots using integer programming
K Sato, Y Kato, M Hamada, T Akutsu, K Asai
Bioinformatics 27 (13), i85-i93, 2011
Prediction of RNA secondary structure using generalized centroid estimators
M Hamada, H Kiryu, K Sato, T Mituyama, K Asai
Bioinformatics 25 (4), 465-473, 2009
Convolutional neural network based on SMILES representation of compounds for detecting chemical motif
M Hirohara, Y Saito, Y Koda, K Sato, Y Sakakibara
BMC bioinformatics 19, 83-94, 2018
Generation of a nonhuman primate model of severe combined immunodeficiency using highly efficient genome editing
K Sato, R Oiwa, W Kumita, R Henry, T Sakuma, R Ito, R Nozu, T Inoue, ...
Cell stem cell 19 (1), 127-138, 2016
MetaVelvet-SL: an extension of the Velvet assembler to a de novo metagenomic assembler utilizing supervised learning
Afiahayati, K Sato, Y Sakakibara
DNA research: an international journal for rapid publication of reports on …, 2015
RNA secondary structural alignment with conditional random fields
K Sato, Y Sakakibara
Bioinformatics 21 (suppl 2), ii237-ii242, 2005
Pair stochastic tree adjoining grammars for aligning and predicting pseudoknot RNA structures
H Matsui, K Sato, Y Sakakibara
Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, 2004. CSB 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Purification and characterization of double-wall carbon nanotubes synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor deposition on mesoporous silica
P Ramesh, T Okazaki, T Sugai, J Kimura, N Kishi, K Sato, Y Ozeki, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 418 (4-6), 408-412, 2006
RactIP: fast and accurate prediction of RNA-RNA interaction using integer programming
Y Kato, K Sato, M Hamada, Y Watanabe, K Asai, T Akutsu
Bioinformatics 26 (18), i460-i466, 2010
Improving the accuracy of predicting secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences
M Hamada, K Sato, K Asai
Nucleic acids research 39 (2), 393-402, 2011
Tailoring Ti3AlC2 ceramic with high anisotropic physical and mechanical properties
HB Zhang, CF Hu, K Sato, S Grasso, M Estili, SQ Guo, K Morita, ...
Journal of the european ceramic society 35 (1), 393-397, 2015
Efficient generation of Knock-in/Knock-out marmoset embryo via CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
W Kumita, K Sato, Y Suzuki, Y Kurotaki, T Harada, Y Zhou, N Kishi, K Sato, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12719, 2019
Whole genome complete resequencing of Bacillus subtilis natto by combining long reads with high-quality short reads
M Kamada, S Hase, K Sato, A Toyoda, A Fujiyama, Y Sakakibara
PloS one 9 (10), e109999, 2014
Predictions of RNA secondary structure by combining homologous sequence information
M Hamada, K Sato, H Kiryu, T Mituyama, K Asai
Bioinformatics 25 (12), i330-i338, 2009
CentroidAlign: fast and accurate aligner for structured RNAs by maximizing expected sum-of-pairs score
M Hamada, K Sato, H Kiryu, T Mituyama, K Asai
Bioinformatics 25 (24), 3236-3243, 2009
Whole-Genome Sequencing and Comparative Genome Analysis of Bacillus subtilis Strains Isolated from Non-Salted Fermented Soybean Foods
M Kamada, S Hase, K Fujii, M Miyake, K Sato, K Kimura, Y Sakakibara
PLoS One 10 (10), e0141369, 2015
A max-margin training of RNA secondary structure prediction integrated with the thermodynamic model
M Akiyama, K Sato, Y Sakakibara
Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology 16 (06), 1840025, 2018
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Articles 1–20