James R Hopgood
Cited by
Cited by
Blind single channel deconvolution using nonstationary signal processing
JR Hopgood, PJW Rayner
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 11 (5), 476-488, 2003
Computational load balancing on the edge in absence of cloud and fog
S Sthapit, J Thompson, NM Robertson, JR Hopgood
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 18 (7), 1499-1512, 2018
Single channel nonstationary stochastic signal separation using linear time-varying filters
JR Hopgood, PJW Rayner
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 51 (7), 1739-1752, 2003
A Time-frequency Masking Based Random Finite Set Particle Filtering Method for Multiple Acoustic Source Detection and Tracking
X Zhong, JR Hopgood
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2015
Particle filtering for TDOA based acoustic source tracking: Nonconcurrent multiple talkers
X Zhong, JR Hopgood
Signal processing 96, 382-394, 2014
MMSE adaptive waveform design for active sensing with applications to MIMO radar
S Herbert, JR Hopgood, B Mulgrew
IEEE transactions on signal processing 66 (5), 1361-1373, 2017
Nonconcurrent multiple speakers tracking based on extended Kalman particle filter
X Zhong, JR Hopgood
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Joint registration and fusion of an infrared camera and scanning radar in a maritime context
D Cormack, I Schlangen, JR Hopgood, DE Clark
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56 (2), 1357-1369, 2019
Single channel separation using linear time varying filters: separability of non-stationary stochastic signals
JR Hopgood, PJW Rayner
1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1999
Time-frequency masking based multiple acoustic sources tracking applying rao-blackwellised monte carlo data association
X Zhong, JR Hopgood
2009 IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 253-256, 2009
Nonstationary signal processing with application to reverberation cancellation in acoustic environments
J Hopgood
Person tracking via audio and video fusion
E D'Arca, NM Robertson, J Hopgood
IET Digital Library, 2012
Adaptive kernel Kalman filter
M Sun, ME Davies, IK Proudler, JR Hopgood
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 71, 713-726, 2023
A probabilistic framework for subband autoregressive models applied to room acoustics
JR Hopgood, PJW Rayner
Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Statistical …, 2001
Robust indoor speaker recognition in a network of audio and video sensors
E D'Arca, NM Robertson, JR Hopgood
Signal Processing 129, 137-149, 2016
Look who's talking: Detecting the dominant speaker in a cluttered scenario
E D'Arca, NM Robertson, JR Hopgood
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Adaptive kernel Kalman filter based belief propagation algorithm for maneuvering multi-target tracking
M Sun, ME Davies, IK Proudler, JR Hopgood
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 29, 1452-1456, 2022
On improved training of CNN for acoustic source localisation
E Vargas, JR Hopgood, K Brown, K Subr
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 29, 720-732, 2021
Message passing and hierarchical models for simultaneous tracking and registration
D Cormack, JR Hopgood
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 57 (3), 1524-1537, 2021
Blind restoration of blurred photographs via AR modelling and MCMC
TE Bishop, R Molina, JR Hopgood
2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 669-672, 2008
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Articles 1–20