Makoto Hirota
Makoto Hirota
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Energy of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic waves with point and continuous spectra
M Hirota, Y Fukumoto
Journal of mathematical physics 49 (8), 2008
Action-angle variables for the continuous spectrum of ideal magnetohydrodynamics
M Hirota, Y Fukumoto
Physics of Plasmas 15 (12), 2008
Mechanisms of plasma rotation effects on the stability of type-I edge-localized mode in tokamaks
N Aiba, M Furukawa, M Hirota, N Oyama, A Kojima, S Tokuda, M Yagi
Nuclear Fusion 51 (7), 073012, 2011
Destabilization mechanism of edge localized MHD mode by a toroidal rotation in tokamaks
N Aiba, M Furukawa, M Hirota, S Tokuda
Nuclear fusion 50 (4), 045002, 2010
Variational principle for linear stability of flowing plasmas in Hall magnetohydrodynamics
M Hirota, Z Yoshida, E Hameiri
Physics of plasmas 13 (2), 2006
Stability boundaries and sufficient stability conditions for stably stratified, monotonic shear flows
M Hirota, PJ Morrison
Physics Letters A 380 (21), 1856-1860, 2016
Elliptical instability of a vortex tube and drift current induced by it
Y Fukumoto, M Hirota
Physica Scripta 2008 (T132), 014041, 2008
Resonance between continuous spectra: Secular behavior of Alfvén waves in a flowing plasma
M Hirota, T Tatsuno, Z Yoshida
Physics of plasmas 12 (1), 2005
Explosive magnetic reconnection caused by an X-shaped current-vortex layer in a collisionless plasma
M Hirota, Y Hattori, PJ Morrison
Physics of Plasmas 22 (5), 2015
Variational necessary and sufficient stability conditions for inviscid shear flow
M Hirota, PJ Morrison, Y Hattori
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2014
Stability assessment on sinusoidal roughness elements for crossflow-transition control
Y Ide, M Hirota, N Tokugawa
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
Nonlinear variational method for predicting fast collisionless magnetic reconnection
M Hirota, PJ Morrison, Y Ishii, M Yagi, N Aiba
Nuclear Fusion 53 (6), 063024, 2013
Lagrangian approach to weakly nonlinear stability of elliptical flow
Y Fukumoto, M Hirota, Y Mie
Physica Scripta 2010 (T142), 014049, 2010
Degenerate continuous spectra producing localized secular instability–an example in a non-neutral plasma
M Hirota, T Tatsuno, Z Yoshida
Journal of plasma physics 69 (5), 397-412, 2003
Secular behavior of electrostatic Kelvin–Helmholtz (diocotron) modes coupled with plasma oscillations
M Hirota, T Tatsuno, S Kondoh, Z Yoshida
Physics of Plasmas 9 (4), 1177-1184, 2002
Wave-action conservation law for eigenmodes and continuum modes
M Hirota, S Tokuda
Physics of Plasmas 17 (8), 2010
Variational formulation for weakly nonlinear perturbations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics
M Hirota
Journal of Plasma Physics 77 (5), 589-615, 2011
Impact of plasma rotation on the linear physics of resistive wall modes in tokamaks
N Aiba, J Shiraishi, M Hirota
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55 (7), 074002, 2013
RT-1 project: magnetosphere-like plasma experiment
Z Yoshida, Y Ogawa, J Morikawa, M Furukawa, H Saitoh, M Hirota, D Hori, ...
Fusion science and technology 51 (2T), 29-33, 2007
Strato-hyperbolic instability: a new mechanism of instability in stably stratified vortices
S Suzuki, M Hirota, Y Hattori
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 854, 293-323, 2018
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Articles 1–20