Yijun Yu
Yijun Yu
Stanford University
確認したメール アドレス: fudan.edu.cn
Black phosphorus field-effect transistors
L Li, Y Yu, GJ Ye, Q Ge, X Ou, H Wu, D Feng, XH Chen, Y Zhang
Nature nanotechnology 9 (5), 372-377, 2014
Gate-tunable room-temperature ferromagnetism in two-dimensional FeGeTe
Y Deng†, Y Yu†, Y Song, J Zhang, NZ Wang, Z Sun, Y Yi, YZ Wu, S Wu, ...
Nature 563 (7729), 94, 2018
Quantum anomalous Hall effect in intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBiTe
Y Deng*, Y Yu*, MZ Shi*, Z Guo, Z Xu, J Wang, XH Chen, Y Zhang
Science 367, 895-900, 2020
Gate-tunable phase transitions in thin flakes of 1T-TaS
Y Yu, F Yang, XF Lu, YJ Yan, YH Cho, L Ma, X Niu, S Kim, YW Son, ...
Nature nanotechnology 10 (3), 270-276, 2015
High-temperature superconductivity in monolayer BiSrCaCuO
Y Yu*, L Ma*, P Cai*, R Zhong, C Ye, J Shen, GD Gu, XH Chen, Y Zhang
Nature 575 (7781), 156-163, 2019
A metallic mosaic phase and the origin of Mott-insulating state in 1T-TaS
L Ma*, C Ye*, Y Yu, XF Lu, X Niu, S Kim, D Feng, D Tománek, YW Son, ...
Nature communications 7, 10956, 2016
Strain-modulated bandgap and piezo-resistive effect in black phosphorus field-effect transistors
Z Zhang, L Li, J Horng, NZ Wang, F Yang, Y Yu, Y Zhang, G Chen, ...
Nano letters 17 (10), 6097-6103, 2017
Linear-in-temperature resistivity for optimally superconducting (Nd,Sr)NiO2
K Lee, BY Wang, M Osada, BH Goodge, TC Wang, Y Lee, S Harvey, ...
Nature 619 (7969), 288-292, 2023
Tuning phase transitions in FeSe thin flakes by field-effect transistor with solid ion conductor as the gate dielectric
B Lei, NZ Wang, C Shang, FB Meng, LK Ma, XG Luo, T Wu, Z Sun, ...
Physical Review B 95 (2), 020503, 2017
Discrete superconducting phases in FeSe-derived superconductors
TP Ying, MX Wang, XX Wu, ZY Zhao, ZZ Zhang, BQ Song, YC Li, B Lei, ...
Physical Review Letters 121 (20), 207003, 2018
Gate‐Tunable Electrical Transport in Thin 2M‐WS2 Flakes
X Che, Y Deng, Y Fang, J Pan, Y Yu, F Huang
Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (10), 1900462, 2019
Mapping dynamical magnetic responses of ultrathin micron-size superconducting films using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
Y Xu, Y Yu, YY Hui, Y Su, J Cheng, HC Chang, Y Zhang, YR Shen, C Tian
Nano Letters 19 (8), 5697-5702, 2019
Signatures of ambient pressure superconductivity in thin film La3Ni2O7
EK Ko, Y Yu, Y Liu, L Bhatt, J Li, V Thampy, CT Kuo, BY Wang, Y Lee, ...
Nature, 1-2, 2024
Electronic properties of few-layer black phosphorus
L Li, Y Yu, GJ Ye, XH Chen, Y Zhang
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, J6. 013, 2013
Dimensionality-driven metal to Mott insulator transition in two-dimensional 1T-TaSe2
N Tian, Z Huang, BG Jang, S Guo, YJ Yan, J Gao, Y Yu, J Hwang, C Tang, ...
National Science Review 11 (3), nwad144, 2024
Synthesis of superconducting freestanding infinite-layer nickelate heterostructures on the millimetre scale
Y Lee, X Wei, Y Yu, L Bhatt, K Lee, BH Goodge, SP Harvey, BY Wang, ...
Nature Synthesis, 1-9, 2025
Absence of hydrogen insertion into highly crystalline superconducting infinite layer nickelates
M Gonzalez, A Ievlev, K Lee, W Kim, Y Yu, J Fowlie, HY Hwang
Physical Review Materials 8 (8), 084804, 2024
Oscillating paramagnetic Meissner effect and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in underdoped BiSrCaCuO
SY Wang*, Y Yu*, JX Hao, KY Liang, BK Xiang, JJ Zhu, YS Lin, YP Pan, ...
National Science Review, nwad249, 2023
Superconductivity and normal-state transport in compressively strained LaPrNiO thin films
Y Liu, EK Ko, Y Tarn, L Bhatt, BH Goodge, DA Muller, S Raghu, Y Yu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.08022, 2025
Interlayer engineering of Fe3GeTe2: From 3D superlattice to 2D monolayer
Y Wu, BY Wang, Y Yu, Y Li, HB Ribeiro, J Wang, R Xu, Y Liu, Y Ye, J Zhou, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (4), e2314454121, 2024
論文 1–20