Darmawan Darwis
Darmawan Darwis
Dr. Darmawan Darwis
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Irradiation of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl pyrrolidone blended hydrogel for wound dressing
MT Razzak, D Darwis
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 62 (1), 107-113, 2001
Enzymatic degradation of radiation crosslinked poly (ε–caprolactone)
D Darwis, H Mitomo, T Enjoji, F Yoshii, K Makuuchi
Polymer degradation and stability 62 (2), 259-265, 1998
Crosslinking of poly (ε-caprolactone) by radiation technique and its biodegradability
F Yoshii, D Darwis, H Mitomo, K Makuuchi
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (3-6), 417-420, 2000
Heat resistance poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogel
F Yoshii, K Makuuchi, D Darwis, T Iriawan, MT Razzak, JM Rosiak
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 46 (2), 169-174, 1995
Poly (n-vinylpyrrolidone) hydrogels: 2. Hydrogel composites as wound dressing for tropical environment
N Himly, D Darwis, L Hardiningsih
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 42 (4-6), 911-914, 1993
Characterization of poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogel for prosthetic intervertebral disc nucleus
D Darwis, P Stasica, MT Razzak, JM Rosiak
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 63 (3-6), 539-542, 2002
Lactone-containing resin composition, molded object thereof, and film
F Yoshii, K Makuuchi, H Mitomo, D Darwis, T Murakami
US Patent App. 09/423,739, 2002
Heat resistance of radiation crosslinked poly (ε‐caprolactone)
D Darwis, H Mitomo, T Enjoji, F Yoshii, K Makuuchi
Journal of applied polymer science 68 (4), 581-588, 1998
Sintesis dan karakterisasi komposit hidroksiapatit (HA) sebagai graft tulang sintetik
D Darwis, Y Warastuti
Jurnal Ilmiah Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi 4 (2), 2013
Degradability of radiation crosslinked PCL in the supercooled state under various environments
D Darwis, H Mitomo, F Yoshii
Polymer degradation and stability 65 (2), 279-285, 1999
Two-step preparation of amidoxime-functionalized natural zeolites hybrids for the removal of Pb2+ ions in aqueous environment
T Puspitasari, GTM Kadja, CL Radiman, D Darwis, RR Mukti
Materials Chemistry and Physics 216, 197-205, 2018
Poly (N-vinylpyrrolidone) hydrogels: 1. Radiation polymerization and crosslinking of N-vinylpyrrolidone
D Darwis, N Hilmy, L Hardiningsih, T Erlinda
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 42 (4-6), 907-910, 1993
Effect of dietary supplementation of chitosan on blood biochemical profile of laying hens
E Hernawan, L Adriani, A Mushawwir, C Cahyani, D Darwis
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 16 (9), 696-699, 2017
Profil enzim transaminase ayam ras petelur yang diberi kitosan iradiasi
A Dinana, D Latipudin, D Darwis, A Mushawwir
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis dan Ilmu Pakan 1 (1), 6-15, 2019
Liver metabolic activities of Pasundan cattle induced by irradiated chitosan
A Mushawwir, J Arifin, D Darwis, T Puspitasari, DS Pengerteni, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (12), 2020
Radiation processing of polymers for medical and pharmaceutical applications
D Darwis, Erizal, B Abbas, F Nurlidar, DP Putra
Macromolecular symposia 353 (1), 15-23, 2015
Improvement of processability of poly (ε‐caprolactone) by radiation techniques
D Darwis, K Nishimura, H Mitomo, F Yoshii
Journal of applied polymer science 74 (7), 1815-1820, 1999
Role of radiation processing in production of hydrogels for medical applications
D Darwis
Atom Indonesia 35 (2), 85-104, 2009
Enhancement of the liver histologic of broiler induced by irradiated chitosan (IC)
A Mushawwir, R Permana, D Darwis, T Puspitasari, DS Pengerteni, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2381 (1), 2021
Kajian Perbedaan Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Commercial Endorsements dan Political Endorsements
H Oetomo, D Darmawan
Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen 2 (2), 91-112, 2003
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Articles 1–20