Katsumi Matsuura
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Chloroflexus aggregans sp. nov., a Filamentous Phototrophic Bacterium Which Forms Dense Cell Aggregates by Active Gliding Movement
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Horizontal transfer of genes coding for the photosynthetic reaction centers of purple bacteria
KVP Nagashima, A Hiraishi, K Shimada, K Matsuura
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Antenna complexes from green photosynthetic bacteria
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Horizontal transfer of the photosynthesis gene cluster and operon rearrangement in purple bacteria
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Quinones in chlorosomes of green sulfur bacteria and their role in the redox-dependent fluorescence studied in chlorosome-like bacteriochlorophyll c aggregates
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Thermodynamic properties of the semiquinone and its binding site in the ubiquinol-cytochrome c (c2) oxidoreductase of respiratory and photosynthetic systems.
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Phylogeny and photosynthetic features of Thiobacillus acidophilus and related acidophilic bacteria: its transfer to the genus Acidiphilium as Acidiphilium acidophilum comb. nov.
A Hiraishi, KVP Nagashima, K Matsuura, K Shimada, S Takaichi, ...
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Inhibition of electron transfer by 3-alkyl-2-hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinones in the ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductases of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and mammalian …
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Diversification of bacterial community composition along a temperature gradient at a thermal spring
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Resolution of the aerobic respiratory system of the thermoacidophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus sp. strain 7:: I. The archaeal terminal oxidase supercomplex is a functional fusion …
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High degree of organization of bacteriochlorophyll c in chlorosome-like aggregates spontaneously assembled in aqueous solution
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Sulfur-metabolizing bacterial populations in microbial mats of the Nakabusa hot spring, Japan
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Spectral forms and orientation of bacteriochlorophylls c and α in chlorosomes of the green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus
K Matsuura, M Hirota, K Shimada, M Mimuro
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Porphyrobacter tepidarius sp. nov., a Moderately Thermophilic Aerobic Photosynthetic Bacterium Isolated from a Hot Spring
S Hanada, Y Kawase, A Hiraishi, S Takaichi, K Matsuura, K Shimada, ...
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Stabilization of a semiquinone radical at the high-affinity quinone-binding site (QH) of the Escherichia coli bo-type ubiquinol oxidase
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Association of bacteriochlorophyll a with the CsmA protein in chlorosomes of the photosynthetic green filamentous bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus
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The photoinhibition site of photosystem I in isolated chloroplasts under extremely reducing conditions
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Assignment of ESR signals of Escherichia coli terminal oxidase complexes
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Structural and functional analyses of photosynthetic regulatory genes regA and regB from Rhodovulum sulfidophilum, Roseobacter denitrificans, and Rhodobacter capsulatus
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