韓 昌完 HAN, Chang Wan  Ph.D. President
韓 昌完 HAN, Chang Wan Ph.D. President
下関市立大学 学長
確認したメール アドレス: なし
Development of the Korean version of Short-Form 36-Item Health Survey: health related QOL of healthy elderly people and elderly patients in Korea
CW Han, EJ Lee, T Iwaya, H Kataoka, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 203 (3), 189-194, 2004
Reliability and validity of the Korean version of kidney disease quality of life instrument (KDQOL-SFTM)
HJ Park, S Kim, JS Yong, SS Han, DH Yang, M Meguro, CW Han, ...
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 211 (4), 321-329, 2007
Physical exercise with multicomponent cognitive intervention for older adults with Alzheimer's disease: a 6-month randomized controlled trial
MJ Kim, CW Han, KY Min, CY Cho, CW Lee, Y Ogawa, E Mori, M Kohzuki
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra 6 (2), 222-232, 2016
Construct validity of the Frenchay Activities Index for community-dwelling elderly in Japan
CW Han, Y Yajima, K Nakajima, EJ Lee, M Meguro, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 210 (2), 99-107, 2006
Validity and utility of the Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors for Korean community-dwelling elderly with or without stroke
CW Han, Y Yajima, EJ Lee, K Nakajima, M Meguro, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 206 (1), 41-49, 2005
韓昌完, 小原愛子, 矢野夏樹, 青木真理恵
琉球大学教育学部紀要= Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the …, 2013
Validity and reliability of the Frenchay Activities Index for community-dwelling elderly in South Korea
CW Han, EJ Lee, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 217 (3), 163-168, 2009
Six-month lower limb aerobic exercise improves physical function in young-old, old-old, and oldest-old adults
C Cho, C Han, M Sung, C Lee, M Kim, Y Ogawa, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 242 (4), 251-257, 2017
通常学級に在籍する IN-Child (Inclusive Needs Child: 包括的教育を必要とする子) Record の開発
韓昌完, 太田麻美子, 權偕珍
Total Rehabilitation Research 3, 84-99, 2016
子どもの概念形成と才能発掘の実態把握を 行うための構造化された評価ツールの開発―3~ 5 歳児を対象とした CRAYON Book の領域と項目の検討―
Journal of Inclusive Education 6, 27-40, 2019
Validity of the Special Needs Education Assessment Tool (SNEAT), a newly developed scale for children with disabilities
A Kohara, C Han, H Kwon, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku journal of experimental medicine 237 (3), 241-248, 2015
特別支援教育成果評価尺度 (SNEAT) の開発
韓昌完, 小原愛子, 上月正博
Asian Journal of Human Services 7, 125-134, 2014
The current situation and issues of inclusive education for special needs education in Japan
C Han, A Kohara, N Yano, M Aoki
Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus 83, 113-120, 2013
Development of the IN-Child (Inclusive Needs Child) Record
C Han, M Ota, H Kwon
Total Rehabilitation Research (Web) 3, 84-99, 2016
Development of Scale to Special Needs Education Assessment Tool (SNEAT)
C Han, A Kohara, M Kohzuki
Asian Journal of Human Services 7, 125-134, 2014
IN-Child Record の信頼性及び構成概念妥当性の検証 横断データを用いた分析
韓昌完, 矢野夏樹, 小原愛子, 權偕珍, 太田麻美子, 田中敦士
Total Rehabilitation Research 5, 1-14, 2017
Social mobility and psychiatric disabilities: An assessment of the social causation and social selection hypotheses
HU Shin, CW Han, M Kohzuki
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 222 (1), 23-31, 2010
Use of structural equation modeling to test construct validity of the SF-36 health survey among community-dwelling elderly in Korea
CW Han, EJ Lee, Y Sekita, M Kohzuki
Journal Korea Academy of Care Management 4, 45-59, 2009
切れ目のないキャリア教育のための評価尺度 (Scale for Coordinate Contiguous Career; Scale C³) の開発
韓昌完, 沼館知里, 呉屋光, 照屋晴奈
Journal of Inclusive Education 4, 1-20, 2018
インクルーシブ教育評価指標 (IEAI) の開発と日本の法令・制度政策の分析 日本型インクルーシブ教育モデル開発の観点からの分析
韓昌完, 矢野夏樹, 小原愛子, 奥住秀之
Asian Journal of Human Services 8, 66-80, 2015
論文 1–20