Ali Farhidzadeh
Ali Farhidzadeh
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Fracture mode identification in cementitious materials using supervised pattern recognition of acoustic emission features
A Farhidzadeh, AC Mpalaskas, TE Matikas, H Farhidzadeh, DG Aggelis
Construction and Building Materials 67 (B), 129–138, 2014
A Probabilistic Approach for Damage Identification and Crack Mode Classification in Reinforced Concrete Structures
A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone, P Singla
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 24 (14), 1722-1735, 2013
Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Fractal Analysis of Residual Crack Patterns
A Farhidzadeh, E Dehghan-Niri, A Moustafa, S Salamone, A Whittaker
Experimental Mechanics 53 (9), 1607-1619, 2013
Multifractal analysis of crack patterns in reinforced concrete shear walls
A Ebrahimkhanlou, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Structural Health Monitoring 15 (1), 81-92, 2016
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of a Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall by b- value based Outlier Analysis
A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone, B Luna, A Whittaker
Structural Health Monitoring 12 (1), 3-13, 2013
Monitoring Crack Propagation in Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls by Acoustic Emission
A Farhidzadeh, E Dehghan Niri, S Salamone, B Luna, A Whittaker
ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (12), 2013
Reference-free corrosion damage diagnosis in steel strands using guided ultrasonic waves
A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Ultrasonics 57, 198-208, 2015
Nonlinear Kalman Filtering for Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Anisotropic Panels
E Dehghan-Niri, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Ultrasonics, 2013
Corrosion monitoring of post-tensioned concrete structures using fractal analysis of guided ultrasonic waves
A Moustafa, E Dehghan Niri, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 21 (3), 438-448, 2014
Adaptive multisensor data fusion for acoustic emission source localization in noisy environment
ED Niri, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Structural Health Monitoring 12 (1), 59-77, 2013
Multifractal analysis of two-dimensional images for damage assessment of reinforced concrete structures
A Ebrahimkhanlou, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Sensors and smart structures technologies for civil, mechanical, and …, 2015
Determination of the probability zone for acoustic emission source location in cylindrical shell structures
ED Niri, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 60, 971-985, 2015
Detection of onset of failure in prestressed strands by cluster analysis of acoustic emissions
M Ercolino, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone, G Magliulo
Structural Monitoring and Maintenance 2 (4), 339-355, 2015
Damage assessment of steel-plate concrete composite walls by using infrared thermography: a preliminary study
MJ Matovu, A Farhidzadeh, S Salamone
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2016
Bayesian decision and mixture models for AE monitoring of steel–concrete composite shear walls
A Farhidzadeh, S Epackachi, S Salamone, AS Whittaker
Smart Materials and Structures 24 (11), 115028, 2015
Investigation on the seismic behavior of steel MRF with shape memory alloy equipped connections
FR Rofooei, A Farhidzadeh
Procedia engineering 14, 3325-3330, 2011
A vision-based technique for damage assessment of reinforced concrete structures
A Farhidzadeh, A Ebrahimkhanlou, S Salamone
Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2014 9064, 690-698, 2014
Post-earthquake evaluation of pipelines rehabilitated with cured in place lining technology using acoustic emission
A Farhidzadeh, E Dehghan-Niri, Z Zhong, S Salamone, A Aref, ...
Construction and Building Materials 54, 326–338, 2014
Gaussian mixture modeling of acoustic emissions for structural health monitoring of reinforced concrete structures
A Farhidzadeh, E Dehghan-Niri, S Salamone
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for …, 2013
Corrosion damage estimation in multi-wire steel strands using guided ultrasonic waves
A Farhidzadeh, A Ebrahimkhanlou, S Salamone
Structural Health Monitoring and Inspection of Advanced Materials, Aerospace …, 2015
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Articles 1–20