Daisuke Fukuda
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Cited by
Valuing travel time variability: Characteristics of the travel time distribution on an urban road
M Fosgerau, D Fukuda
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 24, 83-101, 2012
Updating origin–destination matrices with aggregated data of GPS traces
Q Ge, D Fukuda
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 69, 291-312, 2016
Process and context in choice models
M Ben-Akiva, A de Palma, D McFadden, M Abou-Zeid, PA Chiappori, ...
Marketing Letters 23, 439-456, 2012
Incorporating aggregate behavior in an individual’s discrete choice: An application to analyzing illegal bicycle parking behavior
D Fukuda, S Morichi
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 41 (4), 313-325, 2007
Travel time variability: Definition and valuation
M Fosgerau, K Hjorth, C Brems, D Fukuda
Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University 15 (1), 2008
Predicting travel pattern changes of freight trucks in the Tokyo Metropolitan area based on the latest large-scale urban freight survey and route choice modeling
H Oka, Y Hagino, T Kenmochi, R Tani, R Nishi, K Endo, D Fukuda
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 129, 305-324, 2019
Simulation-based joint optimization framework for congestion mitigation in multimodal urban network: a macroscopic approach
T Dantsuji, D Fukuda, N Zheng
Transportation 48, 673-697, 2021
A hyperpath-based network generalized extreme-value model for route choice under uncertainties
J Ma, D Fukuda
Transportation Research Procedia 7, 44-58, 2015
Faster hyperpath generating algorithms for vehicle navigation
J Ma, D Fukuda, JD Schmöcker
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9 (10), 925-948, 2013
Semiparametric specification of the utility function in a travel mode choice model
D Fukuda, T Yai
Transportation 37, 221-238, 2010
Estimation of paratransit passenger boarding/alighting locations using Wi-Fi based monitoring: results of field testing in Krabi City, Thailand
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 12, 2151-2169, 2017
Link-based route choice considering risk aversion, disappointment, and regret
A Fonzone, JD Schmöcker, J Ma, D Fukuda
Transportation research record 2322 (1), 119-128, 2012
Analysis of travel time saving benefit by understanding individual needs and value of activity time: Case study of Tokyo and Jakarta
I Prasetyo, D Fukuda, H Yoshino, T Yai
Transportation research record 1854 (1), 12-21, 2003
A comparative study on road-based urban public transport policies in six Asian countries from the viewpoint of governance, urban planning, and financial aspects
Y Muromachi, I Lim, A Wicaksono, KN Vergel, K Choocharukul, VH Tan, ...
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11, 1433-1450, 2015
Estimation of bus passengers’ waiting time at a coach terminal with Wi-Fi MAC addresses
T Kusakabe, H Yaginuma, D Fukuda
Transportation Research Procedia 32, 62-68, 2018
Latest urban rail demand forecast model system in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
H Kato, D Fukuda, Y Yamashita, S Iwakura, T Yai
Transportation Research Record 2668 (1), 60-77, 2017
Ogipeptins, novel inhibitors of LPS: Physicochemical properties and structural elucidation
Y Hirota-Takahata, S Kozuma, N Kuraya, D Fukuda, M Nakajima, ...
The Journal of Antibiotics 70 (1), 84-89, 2017
Road-based urban public transport and paratransit in Six Asian Countries: legal conditions and intermodal issues
A Wicaksono, I Lim, Y Muromachi, KN Vergel, K Choocharukul, VH Tan, ...
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 11, 227-242, 2015
Understanding changes in travel patterns during the COVID-19 outbreak in the three major metropolitan areas of Japan
T Dantsuji, K Sugishita, D Fukuda
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 175, 103762, 2023
A macroscopic and dynamic model of urban rail transit with delay and congestion
T Seo, K Wada, D Fukuda
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 2017
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Articles 1–20