David J. Linden
David J. Linden
Professor of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of medicine
確認したメール アドレス: jhmi.edu - ホームページ
d-Serine is an endogenous ligand for the glycine site of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor
JP Mothet, AT Parent, H Wolosker, RO Brady Jr, DJ Linden, CD Ferris, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (9), 4926-4931, 2000
The other side of the engram: experience-driven changes in neuronal intrinsic excitability
W Zhang, DJ Linden
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4 (11), 885-900, 2003
Homer binds a novel proline-rich motif and links group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors with IP3 receptors
JC Tu, B Xiao, JP Yuan, AA Lanahan, K Leoffert, M Li, DJ Linden, ...
Neuron 21 (4), 717-726, 1998
Beyond parallel fiber LTD: the diversity of synaptic and non-synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum
C Hansel, DJ Linden, E D'Angelo
Nature neuroscience 4 (5), 467-475, 2001
Translocation of protein kinase C activity may mediate hippocampal long-term potentiation
RF Akers, DM Lovinger, PA Colley, DJ Linden, A Routtenberg
Science 231 (4738), 587-589, 1986
Neurodegeneration in Lurcher mice caused by mutation in δ2 glutamate receptor gene
J Zuo, PL De Jager, KA Takahashi, W Jiang, DJ Linden, N Heintz
Nature 388 (6644), 769-773, 1997
Elongation factor 2 and fragile X mental retardation protein control the dynamic translation of Arc/Arg3. 1 essential for mGluR-LTD
S Park, JM Park, S Kim, JA Kim, JD Shepherd, CL Smith-Hicks, ...
Neuron 59 (1), 70-83, 2008
Expression of cerebellar long-term depression requires postsynaptic clathrin-mediated endocytosis
YT Wang, DJ Linden
Neuron 25 (3), 635-647, 2000
Long-term synaptic depression in the mammalian brain
DJ Linden
Neuron 12 (3), 457-472, 1994
Long-term synaptic depression.
DJ Linden, JA Connor
Annual review of neuroscience, 1995
Cerebellar long-term depression requires PKC-regulated interactions between GluR2/3 and PDZ domain–containing proteins
J Xia, HJ Chung, C Wihler, RL Huganir, DJ Linden
Neuron 28 (2), 499-510, 2000
A long-term depression of AMPA currents in cultured cerebellar Purkinje neurons
DJ Linden, MH Dickinson, M Smeyne, JA Connor
Neuron 7 (1), 81-89, 1991
Expression of a protein kinase C inhibitor in Purkinje cells blocks cerebellar LTD and adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex
CI De Zeeuw, C Hansel, F Bian, SKE Koekkoek, AM Van Alphen, ...
Neuron 20 (3), 495-508, 1998
Activation of the TRPC1 cation channel by metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR1
SJ Kim, YS Kim, JP Yuan, RS Petralia, PF Worley, DJ Linden
Nature 426 (6964), 285-291, 2003
Requirement of AMPA receptor GluR2 phosphorylation for cerebellar long-term depression
HJ Chung, JP Steinberg, RL Huganir, DJ Linden
Science 300 (5626), 1751-1755, 2003
Reevaluating the role of LTD in cerebellar motor learning
M Schonewille, Z Gao, HJ Boele, MFV Veloz, WE Amerika, AAM Šimek, ...
Neuron 70 (1), 43-50, 2011
Regulation of the rebound depolarization and spontaneous firing patterns of deep nuclear neurons in slices of rat cerebellum
CD Aizenman, DJ Linden
Journal of neurophysiology 82 (4), 1697-1709, 1999
Participation of postsynaptic PKC in cerebellar long-term depression in culture
DJ Linden, JA Connor
Science 254 (5038), 1656-1659, 1991
Targeted in vivo mutations of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR2 and its interacting protein PICK1 eliminate cerebellar long-term depression
JP Steinberg, K Takamiya, Y Shen, J Xia, ME Rubio, S Yu, W Jin, ...
Neuron 49 (6), 845-860, 2006
Narp regulates homeostatic scaling of excitatory synapses on parvalbumin-expressing interneurons
MC Chang, JM Park, KA Pelkey, HL Grabenstatter, D Xu, DJ Linden, ...
Nature neuroscience 13 (9), 1090-1097, 2010
論文 1–20