Eizaburo Doi
Eizaburo Doi
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Efficient coding of spatial information in the primate retina
E Doi, JL Gauthier, GD Field, J Shlens, A Sher, M Greschner, TA Machado, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (46), 16256-16264, 2012
Spatiochromatic receptive field properties derived from information-theoretic analyses of cone mosaic responses to natural scenes
E Doi, T Inui, T Lee, T Wachtler, T Sejnowski
Neural Computation 15 (2), 397-417, 2003
Cone selectivity derived from the responses of the retinal cone mosaic to natural scenes
T Wachtler, E Doi, TW Lee, TJ Sejnowski
Journal of vision 7 (8), 6-6, 2007
A simple model of optimal population coding for sensory systems
E Doi, MS Lewicki
PLoS computational biology 10 (8), e1003761, 2014
Sparse coding of natural images using an overcomplete set of limited capacity units
E Doi, MS Lewicki
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17: Proceedings of the …, 2005
Robust coding over noisy overcomplete channels
E Doi, DC Balcan, MS Lewicki
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (2), 442 - 452, 2007
A theoretical analysis of robust coding over noisy overcomplete channels
D Balcan, M Lewicki
Advances in neural information processing systems 18, 2005
A theory of retinal population coding
E Doi, MS Lewicki
Advances in neural information processing systems 19, 353-360, 2007
Relations between the statistical regularities of natural images and the response properties of the early visual system
E Doi, MS Lewicki
Japanese Cognitive Science Society, SIG P&P 1, 1-8, 2005
Characterization of minimum error linear coding with sensory and neural noise
E Doi, MS Lewicki
Neural Computation 23 (10), 2498-2510, 2011
Optimal retinal population coding predicts inhomogeneous light adaptation and contrast sensitivity across the visual field
E Doi, M Lewicki
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 1188-1188, 2014
Redundant representations in macaque retinal populations are consistent with efficient coding
E Doi, JL Gauthier, GD Field, J Shlens, A Sher, M Greschner, T Machado, ...
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (CoSyNe), 2011
Diversity of Effcient Coding Solutions for a Population of Noisy Linear Neurons
E Doi, L Paninski, EP Simoncelli
COSYNE, 2010
Whitening and independent component filters of simulated cone mosaic output have spatio-chromatic properties of pLGN and V1
E Doi, T Inui
7th international conference on neural information processing, 500-505, 2000
Testing efficient coding: projective (not receptive) fields are the key theoretical prediction
E Doi, G Field, J Gauthier, A Sher, M Greschner, J Shlens, T Machado, ...
Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Computational and Systems Neuroscience, 2010
Spatio-chromatic receptive field properties derived frominformation-theoretic analyses of cone mosaicresponses to natural scenes
E Doi
Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego, 2002
& Sejnowski, TJ (2007)
T Wachtler, E Doi, TW Lee
Cone selectivity derived from the responses of the, 0
Spatial and Chromatic Filters Derived from an Information-Theoretic Analysis of Natural Scenes
E Doi, TW Lee, T Wachtler, T Inui, TJ Sejnowski
Entropy 19, 6.6, 0
Efficient coding is consistent with the irregular shapes of retinal ganglion cell receptive fields
E Doi, J Gauthier, GD Field, A Sher, J Shlens, M Greschner, K Mathieson, ...
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Articles 1–19