Alex Jenkins
Alex Jenkins
Staff Researcher
確認したメール アドレス: inl.int
Mutual synchronization of spin torque nano-oscillators through a long-range and tunable electrical coupling scheme
R Lebrun, S Tsunegi, P Bortolotti, H Kubota, AS Jenkins, M Romera, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15825, 2017
Spin-torque resonant expulsion of the vortex core for an efficient radiofrequency detection scheme
AS Jenkins, R Lebrun, E Grimaldi, S Tsunegi, P Bortolotti, H Kubota, ...
Nature nanotechnology 11 (4), 360-364, 2016
Understanding of phase noise squeezing under fractional synchronization of a nonlinear spin transfer vortex oscillator
R Lebrun, A Jenkins, A Dussaux, N Locatelli, S Tsunegi, E Grimaldi, ...
Physical review letters 115 (1), 017201, 2015
Spin torque nano-oscillator driven by combined spin injection from tunneling and spin Hall current
M Tarequzzaman, T Böhnert, M Decker, JD Costa, J Borme, B Lacoste, ...
Communications Physics 2 (1), 20, 2019
Ultrafast sweep-tuned spectrum analyzer with temporal resolution based on a spin-torque nano-oscillator
A Litvinenko, V Iurchuk, P Sethi, S Louis, V Tyberkevych, J Li, A Jenkins, ...
Nano letters 20 (8), 6104-6111, 2020
High power and low critical current density spin transfer torque nano-oscillators using MgO barriers with intermediate thickness
JD Costa, S Serrano-Guisan, B Lacoste, AS Jenkins, T Böhnert, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 7237, 2017
Large amplitude spin torque vortex oscillations at zero external field using a perpendicular spin polarizer
A Dussaux, E Grimaldi, B Rache Salles, AS Jenkins, AV Khvalkovskiy, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (2), 2014
Self-injection locking of a vortex spin torque oscillator by delayed feedback
S Tsunegi, E Grimaldi, R Lebrun, H Kubota, AS Jenkins, K Yakushiji, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26849, 2016
Modulation bandwidth of spin torque oscillators under current modulation
M Quinsat, F Garcia-Sanchez, AS Jenkins, VS Tiberkevich, AN Slavin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (15), 2014
Multilayer spintronic neural networks with radiofrequency connections
A Ross, N Leroux, A De Riz, D Marković, D Sanz-Hernández, J Trastoy, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 18 (11), 1273-1280, 2023
Analog and digital phase modulation and signal transmission with spin-torque nano-oscillators
A Litvinenko, P Sethi, C Murapaka, A Jenkins, V Cros, P Bortolotti, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (2), 024048, 2021
Controlling the chirality and polarity of vortices in magnetic tunnel junctions
AS Jenkins, E Grimaldi, P Bortolotti, R Lebrun, H Kubota, K Yakushiji, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (17), 2014
Hardware realization of the multiply and accumulate operation on radio-frequency signals with magnetic tunnel junctions
N Leroux, A Mizrahi, D Marković, D Sanz-Hernández, J Trastoy, ...
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 1 (1), 011001, 2021
Broadband voltage rectifier induced by linear bias dependence in CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions
M Tarequzzaman, AS Jenkins, T Böhnert, J Borme, L Martins, E Paz, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (25), 2018
Detection of the microwave emission from a spin-torque oscillator by a spin diode
D Marković, N Leroux, A Mizrahi, J Trastoy, V Cros, P Bortolotti, L Martins, ...
Physical Review Applied 13 (4), 044050, 2020
Influence of thermal fluctuations on the emission linewidth in MgO-based spin transfer oscillators
JF Sierra, M Quinsat, F Garcia-Sanchez, U Ebels, I Joumard, AS Jenkins, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (6), 2012
LAO-NCS: Laser assisted spin torque nano oscillator-based neuromorphic computing system
H Farkhani, T Böhnert, M Tarequzzaman, JD Costa, A Jenkins, R Ferreira, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 1429, 2020
Non-volatile artificial synapse based on a vortex nano-oscillator
L Martins, AS Jenkins, LSE Alvarez, J Borme, T Böhnert, J Ventura, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 16094, 2021
Nanoscale true random bit generator based on magnetic state transitions in magnetic tunnel junctions
AS Jenkins, LSE Alvarez, PP Freitas, R Ferreira
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 15661, 2019
Spintronic nano-oscillators: Towards nanoscale and tunable frequency devices
E Grimaldi, R Lebrun, A Jenkins, A Dussaux, J Grollier, V Cros, A Fert, ...
2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 1-6, 2014
論文 1–20