Shruti Tople
Shruti Tople
Azure Research, Microsoft
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Cited by
A uror: defending against poisoning attacks in collaborative deep learning systems
S Shen, S Tople, P Saxena
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Computer Security Applications …, 2016
Domain generalization using causal matching
D Mahajan, S Tople, A Sharma
International Conference on Machine Learning, 7313-7324, 2021
Panoply: Low-TCB Linux Applications With SGX Enclaves.
S Shinde, D Le Tien, S Tople, P Saxena
NDSS, 2017
Falcon: Honest-majority maliciously secure framework for private deep learning
S Wagh, S Tople, F Benhamouda, E Kushilevitz, P Mittal, T Rabin
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2021 (1), 188-208, 2021
A traceability analysis of monero’s blockchain
A Kumar, C Fischer, S Tople, P Saxena
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 153-173, 2017
Analyzing leakage of personally identifiable information in language models
N Lukas, A Salem, R Sim, S Tople, L Wutschitz, S Zanella-Béguelin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.00539, 2023
Analyzing information leakage of updates to natural language models
S Zanella-Béguelin, L Wutschitz, S Tople, V Rühle, A Paverd, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2020
Leakage of Dataset Properties in Multi-Party Machine Learning
W Zhang, S Tople, O Ohrimenko
30th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 21), 2687-2704, 2021
Privado: Practical and secure DNN inference
S Tople, K Grover, S Shinde, R Bhagwan, R Ramjee
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.00602, 2018
Bayesian estimation of differential privacy
S Zanella-Béguelin, L Wutschitz, S Tople, A Salem, V Rühle, A Paverd, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.05199, 2022
SoK: Let The Privacy Games Begin! A Unified Treatment of Data Inference Privacy in Machine Learning
A Salem, G Cherubin, D Evans, B Köpf, A Paverd, A Suri, S Tople, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.10986, 2022
Alleviating Privacy Attacks via Causal Learning
S Tople, A Sharma, A Nori
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9537-9547, 2020
Collaborative Machine Learning Markets with Data-Replication-Robust Payments
O Ohrimenko, S Tople, S Tschiatschek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.09052, 2019
AUTOCRYPT: enabling homomorphic computation on servers to protect sensitive web content
S Tople, S Shinde, Z Chen, P Saxena
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications …, 2013
Grey-box Extraction of Natural Language Models
S Zanella-Beguelin, S Tople, A Paverd, B Köpf
International Conference on Machine Learning, 12278-12286, 2021
On the trade-offs in oblivious execution techniques
S Tople, P Saxena
International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and …, 2017
Protecting sensitive web content from client-side vulnerabilities with CRYPTONS
X Dong, Z Chen, H Siadati, S Tople, P Saxena, Z Liang
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications …, 2013
PRO-ORAM: Practical Read-Only Oblivious {RAM}
S Tople, Y Jia, P Saxena
22nd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses …, 2019
Protecting machine learning models from privacy attacks
A Sharma, AV Nori, SS TOPLE
US Patent App. 16/559,444, 2021
Membership Inference Attacks and Generalization: A Causal Perspective
T Baluta, S Shen, S Hitarth, S Tople, P Saxena
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.08615, 2022
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Articles 1–20