Masahiko Osawa
Cited by
Cited by
Autonomous self-explanation of behavior for interactive reinforcement learning agents
Y Fukuchi, M Osawa, H Yamakawa, M Imai
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction …, 2017
Whole brain architecture approach is a feasible way toward an artificial general intelligence
H Yamakawa, M Osawa, Y Matsuo
Neural Information Processing: 23rd International Conference, ICONIP 2016 …, 2016
Is automation appropriate? semi-autonomous telepresence architecture focusing on voluntary and involuntary movements
M Osawa, K Okuoka, Y Takimoto, M Imai
International Journal of Social Robotics 12 (5), 1119-1134, 2020
Application of instruction-based behavior explanation to a reinforcement learning agent with changing policy
Y Fukuchi, M Osawa, H Yamakawa, M Imai
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017
Aspirated intracoronary thrombus by Rescue^< TM> PT catheter: histological and immunohistochemical analyses
F Takao, U Makiko, I Yoshihiro, O Masahiko, K Shigeo, I Hiroshi, F Kenshi, ...
Circulation journal: official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 66 …, 2002
An implementation of working memory using stacked half restricted Boltzmann machine: Toward to restricted Boltzmann machine-based cognitive architecture
M Osawa, H Yamakawa, M Imai
Neural Information Processing: 23rd International Conference, ICONIP 2016 …, 2016
Explaining intelligent agent’s future motion on basis of vocabulary learning with human goal inference
Y Fukuchi, M Osawa, H Yamakawa, M Imai
IEEE Access 10, 54336-54347, 2022
Semi-autonomous telepresence robot for adaptively switching operation using inhibition and disinhibition mechanism
K Okuoka, Y Takimoto, M Osawa, M Imai
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2018
Accumulator based arbitration model for both supervised and reinforcement learning inspired by prefrontal cortex
M Osawa, Y Ashihara, T Seno, M Imai, S Kurihara
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017
Conveying intention by motions with awareness of information asymmetry
Y Fukuchi, M Osawa, H Yamakawa, T Takahashi, M Imai
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, 783863, 2022
A robot for test bed aimed at improving telepresence system and evasion from discomfort stimuli by online learning
M Osawa, M Imai
International Journal of Social Robotics 12 (1), 187-199, 2020
Adaptive semi-autonomous agents via episodic control
T Seno, K Okuoka, M Osawa, M Imai
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2018
Bayesian inference of self-intention attributed by observer
Y Fukuchi, M Osawa, H Yamakawa, T Takahashi, M Imai
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 3-10, 2018
Do others believe what I believe? Estimating how much information is being shared by utterance timing
S Matsumori, Y Fukuchi, M Osawa, M Imai
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2018
Emergence of agent gaze behavior using interactive kinetics-based gaze direction model
R Satogata, M Kimoto, S Yoshioka, M Osawa, K Shinozawa, M Imai
Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2020
大澤正彦, 奧岡耕平, 坂本孝丈, 市川淳, 今井倫太
HAI シンポジウム, 2020
川崎邦将, 大澤正彦, 今井倫太, 長田茂美
第6回汎用人工知能研究会, 2017
A Learning Method for Echo State Networks Using RBM
Y Yamagishi, M Osawa, M Hagiwara
International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2015
PHP 研究所, 2020
Function Map-Driven Development for AGI
M Osawa, T Omori, K Takahashi, N Arakawa, N Sakai, M Imai, ...
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2018: Proceedings of the Ninth …, 2019
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Articles 1–20