Jing Li
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Cited by
An efficient nonlinear Feshbach engine
J Li, T Fogarty, S Campbell, X Chen, T Busch
New Journal of Physics 20 (1), 015005, 2018
Adiabatic critical quantum metrology cannot reach the Heisenberg limit even when shortcuts to adiabaticity are applied
K Gietka, F Metz, T Keller, J Li
Quantum 5, 489, 2021
Effects of coherence on quantum speed limits and shortcuts to adiabaticity in many-particle systems
TN Xu, J Li, T Busch, X Chen, T Fogarty
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023125, 2020
Inverse engineering for fast transport and spin control of spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates in moving harmonic traps
X Chen, RL Jiang, J Li, Y Ban, EY Sherman
Physical Review A 97 (1), 013631, 2018
Shortcut to adiabatic control of soliton matter waves by tunable interaction
J Li, K Sun, X Chen
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 38258, 2016
A Feshbach engine in the Thomas-Fermi regime
T Keller, T Fogarty, J Li, T Busch
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033335, 2020
Fast control of interactions in an ultracold two atom system: Managing correlations and irreversibility
T Fogarty, L Ruks, J Li, T Busch
SciPost Phys. 6 (2), 021, 2019
Dynamic stability and manipulation of bright matter-wave solitons by optical lattices in Bose—Einstein condensates
CS Song, J Li, FD Zong
Chinese Physics B 21 (2), 020306, 2012
Quantum heat engine based on a spin-orbit and Zeeman-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
J Li, EY Sherman, A Ruschhaupt
Phys. Rev. A 106, L030201, 2022
Dynamics of analytical three-dimensional solutions in Bose-Einstein condensates with time-dependent gain and potential
J Li, FD Zong, CS Song, Y Wang, FB Li
Physical Review E 85 (3), 036607, 2012
Quantum control and quantum speed limits in supersymmetric potentials
C Campbell, J Li, T Busch, T Fogarty
New Journal of Physics 24, 095001, 2022
Time-optimal variational control of a bright matter-wave soliton
TY Huang, J Zhang, J Li, X Chen
Physical Review A 102 (5), 053313, 2020
Driving interactions efficiently in a composite few-body system
A Kaha, T Fogarty, J Li, T Busch
Universe 5 (10), 207, 2019
Trigonometric protocols for shortcuts to adiabatic transport of cold atoms in anharmonic traps
J Li, Q Zhang, X Chen
Physics Letters A 381 (38), 3272-3275, 2017
Coupled density-spin Bose-Einstein condensates dynamics and collapse in systems with quintic nonlinearity
J Li, BA Malomed, W Li, X Chen, EY Sherman
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 82, 105045, 2020
Analytical localized wave solutions of the generalized nonautonomous nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Gaussian shaped nonlinearity
JR He, HM Li, J Li
Optics Communications 285 (17), 3669-3673, 2012
High fidelity control of a many-body Tonks--Girardeau gas with an effective mean-field approach
MS Hasan, T Fogarty, J Li, A Ruschhaupt, T Busch
Physical Review Research 6, 023114, 2024
Fast transport of Bose-Einstein condensates in anharmonic traps
J Li, X Chen, A Ruschhaupt
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 380, 2239, 2022
Quantum control of classical motion: piston dynamics in a Rabi-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
J Li, EY Sherman, A Ruschhaupt
New Journal of Physics 26, 053031, 2024
Dynamics and Manipulation for Gap Solitons in Bose—Einstein Condensates under Optical Lattice and Harmonic Potentials
FD Zong, J Li, CS Song
Communications in Theoretical Physics 56 (2), 273, 2011
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Articles 1–20