Daewook Park
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Cited by
Aggregate gradation theory, design and its impact on asphalt pavement performance: a review
M Fang, D Park, JL Singuranayo, H Chen, Y Li
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 20 (12), 1408-1424, 2019
Crack healing performance of hot mix asphalt containing steel slag by microwaves heating
TM Phan, DW Park, THM Le
Construction and Building Materials 180, 503-511, 2018
Evaluation of moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture using liquid anti-stripping agents
DW Park, WJ Seo, J Kim, HV Vo
Construction and Building Materials 144, 399-405, 2017
Effect of rejuvenators on the crack healing performance of recycled asphalt pavement by induction heating
BH Dinh, DW Park, THM Le
Construction and building materials 164, 246-254, 2018
Evaluation of asphalt mixture modified with graphite and carbon fibers for winter adaptation: Thermal conductivity improvement
HV Vo, DW Park, WJ Seo, BS Yoo
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (1), 04016176, 2017
A predictive equation for dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures used in Korea
YH Cho, DW Park, SD Hwang
Construction and Building Materials 24 (4), 513-519, 2010
Thermal properties of asphalt mixtures modified with conductive fillers
BC Bai, DW Park, HV Vo, S Dessouky, JS Im
Journal of Nanomaterials 2015 (1), 926809, 2015
Evaluation of effects of tire size and inflation pressure on tire contact stresses and pavement response
EG Fernando, D Musani, DW Park, W Liu
Mitigating effect of chloride ions on sulfate attack of cement mortars with or without silica fume
ST Lee, DW Park, KY Ann
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (11), 1210-1220, 2008
Evaluation of predicted pavement response with measured tire contact stresses
DW Park, E Fernando, J Leidy
Transportation Research Record 1919 (1), 160-170, 2005
Application of conductive materials to asphalt pavement
HV Vo, DW Park
Advances in materials science and engineering 2017 (1), 4101503, 2017
Evaluation of asphalt concrete mixtures for railway track
SH Lee, JW Lee, DW Park, HV Vo
Construction and Building Materials 73, 13-18, 2014
Effects of nonuniform tire contact stresses on pavement response
DW Park, AE Martin, E Masad
Journal of Transportation Engineering 131 (11), 873-879, 2005
Evaluation of layer properties of flexible pavement using a pseudo-static analysis procedure of Falling Weight Deflectometer
JW Seo, SI Kim, JS Choi, DW Park
Construction and Building Materials 23 (10), 3206-3213, 2009
Healing performance of granite and steel slag asphalt mixtures modified with steel wool fibers
BH Dinh, DW Park, TM Phan
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22, 2064-2072, 2018
Analysis of dynamic vehicle loads using vehicle pavement interaction model
DW Park, AT Papagiannakis, IT Kim
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 18, 2085-2092, 2014
Use of the asphalt pavement analyzer and repeated simple shear test at constant height to augment superpave volumetric mix design
AE Martin, DW Park
Journal of transportation Engineering 129 (5), 522-530, 2003
Performance evaluation of directly fastened asphalt track using a full-scale test
SH Lee, YT Choi, HM Lee, DW Park
Construction and Building Materials 113, 404-414, 2016
Evaluation of asphalt mixture containing coal ash
BS Yoo, DW Park, HV Vo
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 797-803, 2016
Effect of treated fibers on performance of asphalt mixture
TM Phan, SN Nguyen, CB Seo, DW Park
Construction and Building Materials 274, 122051, 2021
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Articles 1–20