Fredrik Raak
Fredrik Raak
AI Engineer, Munters
確認したメール アドレス: kth.se
Applied Koopman operator theory for power systems technology
Y Susuki, I Mezic, F Raak, T Hikihara
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE 7 (4), 430-459, 2016
Data-driven partitioning of power networks via Koopman mode analysis
F Raak, Y Susuki, T Hikihara
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (4), 2799-2808, 2015
On Koopman and dynamic mode decompositions for application to dynamic data with low spatial dimension
F Raak, Y Susuki, I Mezić, T Hikihara
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6485-6491, 2016
Partitioning power grids via nonlinear Koopman mode analysis
F Raak, Y Susuki, T Hikihara, HR Chamorro, M Ghandhari
ISGT 2014, 1-5, 2014
Quantifying smoothing effects of wind power via Koopman mode decomposition: A numerical test with wind speed predictions in Japan
F Raak, Y Susuki, K Tsuboki, M Kato, T Hikihara
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE 8 (4), 342-357, 2017
Investigation of power grid islanding based on nonlinear Koopman modes
F Raak
On smoothing effects of wind power via Koopman mode decomposition
F Raak, Y Susuki, K Tsuboki, M Kato, T Hikihara
IEICE Proceedings Series 48 (B2L-B-3), 2016
Multi-way partitioning of power networks via Koopman mode analysis
F Raak, Y Susuki, T Hikihara
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (30), 421-426, 2015
Assessment of offshore wind farm characteristics with the cloud resolving storm simulator: A case study in Japan
F Raak, Y Susuki, K Tsuboki, M Kato, S Eguchi, T Hikihara
Wind Energy 21 (7), 531-543, 2018
Role of Deterministic Electromechanical Conversion for Short-Term Fluctuations in Wind Power: A Case Study in Japan
F Raak, Y Susuki, S Eguchi, T Hikihara
Physical Review Applied 12 (3), 034013, 2019
Assessing Smoothing Effects of Wind Power around Trondheim via Koopman Mode Decomposition
Y Susuki, F Raak, HG Svendsen, HC Bolstad
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1104 (1), 012009, 2018
Dynamic simulation of a wind farm incorporated with highly-resolved wind prediction data
F Raak, Y Susuki, R Morita, T Wada, K Tsuboki, H Uyeda, Y Fujisaki, ...
IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2015
Data-Driven Partitioning of Power Networks Via Koopman
F Raak, Y Susuki, T Hikihara
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 21 (4), 1840-1847, 2006
論文 1–13