Jacob Tielke
Jacob Tielke
Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
確認したメール アドレス: columbia.edu
Hydrolytic weakening in olivine single crystals
JA Tielke, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (5), 3465-3479, 2017
Direct shear of olivine single crystals
JA Tielke, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 455, 140-148, 2016
The Influence of Water on the Strength of Olivine Dislocation Slip Systems
J Tielke, J Mecklenburgh, E Mariani, J Wheeler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (7), 6542-6559, 2019
Observations of grain‐size sensitive power‐law creep of olivine aggregates over a large range of lattice‐preferred orientation strength
JA Tielke, LN Hansen, M Tasaka, C Meyers, ME Zimmerman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121, 506-516, 2016
Development and application of a method for determining paleostress from calcite deformation twins using electron backscatter diffraction
JA Tielke
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, 2010
Genesis and evolution of Tertiary lavas of the central Hangay Mountains, Mongolia
J Tielk, B Kastl, J Otgonhuu
Zoth Annual Keck Symposium, 2007
Dislocation generation in experimentally shocked olivine crystals
JA Tielke, AH Peslier, R Christoffersen, TM Erickson, CJ Cline, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 (6), e2021JE007042, 2022
Permeability evolution during carbon mineralization in peridotite: implications for geological carbon storage
C Sanchez Roa, J Tielke, C McCarthy, P Kelemen, AH Park, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, H14C-05, 2021
The Black Hills uplift in its regional context
AL Lisenbee, MP Terry, EF Duke, JA Tielke
Geologic field trips in the Black Hills region, South Dakota: Rapid City, S …, 2010
Using crystal-lattice distortion data for geological investigations: the weighted Burgers vector method
J Wheeler, S Piazolo, DJ Prior, PW Trimby, JA Tielke
Journal of Structural Geology 179, 105040, 2024
The influence of hydrogen on the transition from power-law creep to low-temperature plasticity of olivine at lithospheric temperatures
J Tielke, M Zimmerman, D Kohlstedt
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 275, 2015
Stratigraphy of Miocene lavas of the Hangay Mountains, Mongolia: implications for magmatic origin, evolution, and orogeny
JA Tielke
University of South Dakota, 2008
Microstructural Characterization of Ice by Etch-Pitting Replication Method
S Levitina, H Yamauchi, C McCarthy, J Tielke
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, MR25B-0060, 2022
Experimental plastic reactivation of pseudotachylyte‐filled shear zones
FX Passelegue, J Tielke, J Mecklenburgh, M Violay, D Deldicque, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (5), e2020GL091538, 2021
Direct measurement of olivine grain boundary viscosity
C Thom, JA Tielke, K Marquardt, E Mariani, J Mecklenburgh, J Wheeler, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, MR022-0016, 2020
Do grain boundaries act as a water reservoir in Earth's mantle?
J Gardner, J Tielke, J Mecklenburgh, E Mariani, J Wheeler
EGU2020, 2020
Frictional behavior of hydrothermally-altered gouges: implications for fault stability of geothermal carbonate reservoirs
JA Tielke, A Verdecchia, C Pederson, C McCarthy, F Kolawole
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023 (46), MR53B-0046, 2023
Using NMR to quantify mineralization-induced porosity changes in varied lithologies: IOR and carbon storage applications
S Kelly, J Tielke, M Dick, D Veselinovic
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 13–15 June 2023, 2154-2164, 2023
Glacial Sliding on Volcanic Bedrock: Effect of Rock Surface Roughness on Ice-on-Rock Friction and Healing
C Quigley, C McCarthy, J Tielke
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, MR25B-0062, 2022
Physical Properties of the Bishop Tuff: Experimental Studies on Carbon Sequestration and Mechanical Deformation Behavior
E Ruos, J Tielke, C McCarthy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, MR25B-0065, 2022
論文 1–20