Michel J.F. Dubois
Michel J.F. Dubois
INTERACT 2018.C102 UniLaSalle - Sciences de l'agriculture - ORCID : 0000-0003-2797-8642
確認したメール アドレス: unilasalle.fr - ホームページ
Changes in common wheat grain milling behavior and tissue mechanical properties following ozone treatment
C Desvignes, M Chaurand, M Dubois, A Sadoudi, J Abecassis, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 47 (2), 245-251, 2008
Identification of an Agrobacterium tumefaciens pTiB6S3 vir region fragment that enhances the virulence of pTiC58
L Otten, G Piotrowiak, P Hooykaas, M Dubois, E Szegedi, J Schell
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 199, 189-193, 1985
Safety of Oxygreen®, an ozone treatment on wheat grains. Part 2. Is there a substantial equivalence between Oxygreen-treated wheat grains and untreated wheat grains?
M Dubois, C Coste, AG Despres, T Efstathiou, C Nio, E Dumont, ...
Food additives and contaminants 23 (1), 1-15, 2006
Attempts to transform Zea mays via pollen grains: Effect of pollen and stigma nuclease activities
P Roeckel, P Heizmann, M Dubois, C Dumas
Sexual Plant Reproduction 1, 156-163, 1988
Safety of Oxygreen®, an ozone treatment on wheat grains. Part 1. A four-week toxicity study in rats by dietary administration of treated wheat
I Gaou, M Dubois, A Pfohl-Leszkowicz, C Coste, S De Jouffrey, ...
Food additives and contaminants 22 (11), 1113-1119, 2005
Sustainable development as a driver for educational innovation in engineering school: the case of UniLaSalle
F Fourati-Jamoussi, MJF Dubois, M Agnès, V Leroux, L Sauvée
European Journal of Engineering Education 44 (4), 570-588, 2019
Une nouvelle tendance en marketing alimentaire: Le retour de la terre ou la référence à l'origine
M Dubois
Revue francaise du Marketing, 45-50, 1998
Oxygreen process applied on nongerminated and germinated wheat: role of hydroxamic acids
M Dubois, D Canadas, AG Despres-Pernot, C Coste, A Pfohl-Leszkowicz
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 56 (3), 1116-1121, 2008
The agricultural innovation under Digitalization
M Dubois, F Fourati-Jamoussi, J Dantan, D Rizzo, M Jaber, L Sauvée
Business Transformations in the Era of Digitalization (Mezghani K., Aloulou …, 2019
Sustainable Development and Innovation in Engineering School: Students’ Perception.
F Fourati-Jamoussi, MJF Dubois, M Chedru, G Belhenniche
Sustainability 13 (6002), 14, 2021
Megatrends in food and agriculture: Technology, water use and nutrition
H Traitler, MJF Dubois, K Heikes, V Petiard, D Zilberman
John Wiley & Sons, 2018
La transition énergétique: vivre dans un monde fini
MJF Dubois
(No Title), 2009
How to promote, support and experiment sustainability in higher education institutions ? The case of LaSalle Beauvais in France
F Fourati-Jamoussi, M Agnès, MJF Dubois, V Leroux, N Rakotonandraina, ...
Int. J. Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2015
L'humain en devenir - Au commencement était la technique
MJF Dubois
Editions ISTE, 2020
Innovation des agroéquipements: au carrefour entre agriculteurs, industriels et formation.
D Rizzo, MJF Dubois, A Combaud
2ème RDV Techniques AXEMA, 2018
Intelligence économique et développement durable : réflexion intégrative
MJF Dubois, F Fourati-Jamoussi
Revue internationale d'Intelligence Economique 9 (1), 77-94, 2017
Training in agricultural technologies: a new prerequisite for smart farming
S Ritz, D Rizzo, F Fourati-Jamoussi, J Dantan, A Combaud, MJF Dubois
3rd Rendez-Vous Techniques AXEMA, 2019
Evolution agrotechnique contemporaine II
D Caroux, MJF Dubois, L Sauvée
Transformations de l’agro-machinisme: fonction, puissance, information …, 2018
Former des élèves ingénieurs au développement durable-Une approche par et pour l'innovation pédagogique à LaSalle Beauvais
F Fourati-Jamoussi, MJF Dubois, M Agnès, V Leroux, G Kotbi, L Sauvée
Création, Créativité et Innovation dans la formation et l'activité d'ingénieur, 2017
Manuel d'épistémologie pour l'ingénieur. e
MJF Dubois, N Brault
Editions matériologiques, 2021
論文 1–20