Joseph P. Newhouse
Joseph P. Newhouse
John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Managaement, Harvard University
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Cited by
Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study I
TA Brennan, LL Leape, NM Laird, L Hebert, AR Localio, AG Lawthers, ...
New England journal of medicine 324 (6), 370-376, 1991
The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II
LL Leape, TA Brennan, N Laird, AG Lawthers, AR Localio, BA Barnes, ...
New England journal of medicine 324 (6), 377-384, 1991
Health insurance and the demand for medical care: evidence from a randomized experiment
WG Manning, JP Newhouse, N Duan, EB Keeler, A Leibowitz
The American economic review, 251-277, 1987
Free for all?: lessons from the RAND health insurance experiment
JP Newhouse
Harvard University Press, 1993
The Oregon health insurance experiment: evidence from the first year
A Finkelstein, S Taubman, B Wright, M Bernstein, J Gruber, JP Newhouse, ...
The Quarterly journal of economics 127 (3), 1057-1106, 2012
A comparison of alternative models for the demand for medical care
N Duan, WG Manning, CN Morris, JP Newhouse
Journal of business & economic statistics 1 (2), 115-126, 1983
Medical care costs: how much welfare loss?
JP Newhouse
Journal of Economic perspectives 6 (3), 3-21, 1992
Toward a theory of nonprofit institutions: An economic model of a hospital
JP Newhouse
The American economic review 60 (1), 64-74, 1970
Medical-care expenditure: a cross-national survey
JP Newhouse
The journal of human resources 12 (1), 115-125, 1977
The Oregon experiment—effects of Medicaid on clinical outcomes
K Baicker, SL Taubman, HL Allen, M Bernstein, JH Gruber, JP Newhouse, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 368 (18), 1713-1722, 2013
Does more intensive treatment of acute myocardial infarction in the elderly reduce mortality?: analysis using instrumental variables
M McClellan, BJ McNeil, JP Newhouse
Jama 272 (11), 859-866, 1994
Relation between malpractice claims and adverse events due to negligence: results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study III
AR Localio, AG Lawthers, TA Brennan, NM Laird, LE Hebert, LM Peterson, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 325 (4), 245-251, 1991
Does free care improve adults' health? Results from a randomized controlled trial.
RH Brook, JE Ware Jr, WH Rogers, EB Keeler, AR Davies, CA Donald, ...
The New England journal of medicine 309 (23), 1426-1434, 1983
A controlled trial of the effect of a prepaid group practice on use of services
WG Manning, A Leibowitz, GA Goldberg, WH Rogers, JP Newhouse
New England Journal of Medicine 310 (23), 1505-1510, 1984
Some interim results from a controlled trial of cost sharing in health insurance
JP Newhouse, WG Manning, CN Morris, LL Orr, N Duan, EB Keeler, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 305 (25), 1501-1507, 1981
Reimbursing health plans and health providers: efficiency in production versus selection
JP Newhouse
Journal of economic literature 34 (3), 1236-1263, 1996
Econometrics in outcomes research: the use of instrumental variables
JP Newhouse, M McClellan
Annual review of public health 19 (1), 17-34, 1998
Handbook of health economics
AJ Culyer, JP Newhouse
Elsevier, 2000
Costs of medical injuries in Utah and Colorado
EJ Thomas, DM Studdert, JP Newhouse, BIW Zbar, KM Howard, ...
Inquiry, 255-264, 1999
Economic burden of childhood autism spectrum disorders
TA Lavelle, MC Weinstein, JP Newhouse, K Munir, KA Kuhlthau, ...
Pediatrics 133 (3), e520-e529, 2014
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