Predictive control for linear and hybrid systems F Borrelli, A Bemporad, M Morari Cambridge University Press, 2017 | 1872 | 2017 |
Predictive active steering control for autonomous vehicle systems P Falcone, F Borrelli, J Asgari, HE Tseng, D Hrovat IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 15 (3), 566-580, 2007 | 1680 | 2007 |
Kinematic and dynamic vehicle models for autonomous driving control design J Kong, M Pfeiffer, G Schildbach, F Borrelli 2015 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 1094-1099, 2015 | 1018 | 2015 |
Model predictive control based on linear programming~ the explicit solution A Bemporad, F Borrelli, M Morari IEEE transactions on automatic control 47 (12), 1974-1985, 2002 | 982 | 2002 |
Model predictive control for the operation of building cooling systems Y Ma, F Borrelli, B Hencey, B Coffey, S Bengea, P Haves IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 20 (3), 796-803, 2011 | 891 | 2011 |
Control of connected and automated vehicles: State of the art and future challenges J Guanetti, Y Kim, F Borrelli Annual reviews in control 45, 18-40, 2018 | 678 | 2018 |
Constrained optimal control for hybrid systems F Borrelli Constrained optimal control of linear and hybrid systems, 143-171, 2003 | 678 | 2003 |
Min-max control of constrained uncertain discrete-time linear systems A Bemporad, F Borrelli, M Morari IEEE Transactions on automatic control 48 (9), 1600-1606, 2003 | 650 | 2003 |
Distributed model predictive control for heterogeneous vehicle platoons under unidirectional topologies Y Zheng, SE Li, K Li, F Borrelli, JK Hedrick IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (3), 899-910, 2016 | 625 | 2016 |
Predictive control for energy efficient buildings with thermal storage: Modeling, stimulation, and experiments Y Ma, A Kelman, A Daly, F Borrelli IEEE control systems magazine 32 (1), 44-64, 2012 | 612 | 2012 |
MPC-based approach to active steering for autonomous vehicle systems F Borrelli, P Falcone, T Keviczky, J Asgari, D Hrovat International journal of vehicle autonomous systems 3 (2-4), 265-291, 2005 | 585 | 2005 |
Decentralized receding horizon control for large scale dynamically decoupled systems T Keviczky, F Borrelli, GJ Balas Automatica 42 (12), 2105-2115, 2006 | 537 | 2006 |
MPC-based yaw and lateral stabilisation via active front steering and braking P Falcone, H Eric Tseng, F Borrelli, J Asgari, D Hrovat Vehicle System Dynamics 46 (S1), 611-628, 2008 | 516 | 2008 |
Linear offset-free model predictive control U Maeder, F Borrelli, M Morari Automatica 45 (10), 2214-2222, 2009 | 461 | 2009 |
Dynamic programming for constrained optimal control of discrete-time linear hybrid systems F Borrelli, M Baotić, A Bemporad, M Morari Automatica 41 (10), 1709-1721, 2005 | 421 | 2005 |
Optimization-based collision avoidance X Zhang, A Liniger, F Borrelli IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (3), 972-983, 2020 | 414 | 2020 |
Learning model predictive control for iterative tasks. a data-driven control framework U Rosolia, F Borrelli IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (7), 1883-1896, 2017 | 414 | 2017 |
An MPC/hybrid system approach to traction control F Borrelli, A Bemporad, M Fodor, D Hrovat IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 14 (3), 541-552, 2006 | 364 | 2006 |
Distributed LQR design for identical dynamically decoupled systems F Borrelli, T Keviczky IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (8), 1901-1912, 2008 | 359 | 2008 |
Linear time‐varying model predictive control and its application to active steering systems: Stability analysis and experimental validation P Falcone, F Borrelli, HE Tseng, J Asgari, D Hrovat International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2008 | 359 | 2008 |