Takahito Mikami
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Cited by
Nationwide post event survey and analysis of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami
N Mori, T Takahashi, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 54 (01), 1250001, 2012
Field survey of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures
T Mikami, T Shibayama, M Esteban, R Matsumaru
Coastal Engineering Journal 54 (1), 1250011-1-1250011-26, 2012
Projection of coastal floods in 2050 Jakarta
H Takagi, M Esteban, T Mikami, D Fujii
Urban Climate 17, 135-145, 2016
Recent tsunamis events and preparedness: Development of tsunami awareness in Indonesia, Chile and Japan
M Esteban, V Tsimopoulou, T Mikami, NY Yun, A Suppasri, T Shibayama
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 5, 84-97, 2013
Classification of tsunami and evacuation areas
T Shibayama, M Esteban, I Nistor, H Takagi, ND Thao, R Matsumaru, ...
Natural Hazards 67, 365-386, 2013
Track analysis, simulation, and field survey of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge
H Takagi, M Esteban, T Shibayama, T Mikami, R Matsumaru, M De Leon, ...
Journal of Flood Risk Management 10 (1), 42-52, 2017
Failure mechanisms and local scour at coastal structures induced by tsunami
MPR Jayaratne, B Premaratne, A Adewale, T Mikami, S Matsuba, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 58 (04), 1640017, 2016
Experimental investigations of debris dynamics over a horizontal plane
I Nistor, N Goseberg, J Stolle, T Mikami, T Shibayama, R Nakamura, ...
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 143 (3), 04016022, 2017
Awareness of coastal floods in impoverished subsiding coastal communities in Jakarta: Tsunamis, typhoon storm surges and dyke-induced tsunamis
M Esteban, H Takagi, T Mikami, A Aprilia, D Fujii, S Kurobe, NA Utama
International journal of disaster risk reduction 23, 70-79, 2017
Field survey of the 2018 Sulawesi tsunami: Inundation and run-up heights and damage to coastal communities
T Mikami, T Shibayama, M Esteban, T Takabatake, R Nakamura, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 3291-3304, 2019
Storm surge and evacuation in urban areas during the peak of a storm
H Takagi, S Li, M de Leon, M Esteban, T Mikami, R Matsumaru, ...
Coastal Engineering 108, 1-9, 2016
Adaptation to sea level rise on low coral islands: Lessons from recent events
M Esteban, ML Jamero, L Nurse, L Yamamoto, H Takagi, ND Thao, ...
Ocean & coastal management 168, 35-40, 2019
Typhoon Haiyan 2013 evacuation preparations and awareness
M Esteban, VP Valenzuela, NY Yun, T Mikami, T Shibayama, ...
International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security 3 (1), 37-45, 2015
Adaptation to sea level rise: Learning from present examples of land subsidence
M Esteban, H Takagi, L Jamero, C Chadwick, JE Avelino, T Mikami, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 189, 104852, 2020
Estimation of increase in storm surge damage due to climate change and sea level rise in the Greater Tokyo area
S Hoshino, M Esteban, T Mikami, H Takagi, T Shibayama
Natural Hazards 80, 539-565, 2016
Engineering lessons from the 28 September 2018 Indonesian tsunami: Debris loading
J Stolle, C Krautwald, I Robertson, H Achiari, T Mikami, R Nakamura, ...
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 47 (1), 1-12, 2020
Storm surge awareness in the Philippines prior to typhoon Haiyan: a comparative analysis with tsunami awareness in recent times
M Esteban, VP Valenzuela, R Matsumaru, T Mikami, T Shibayama, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 58 (01), 1640009, 2016
Experimental investigation of debris damming loads under transient supercritical flow conditions
J Stolle, T Takabatake, I Nistor, T Mikami, S Nishizaki, G Hamano, H Ishii, ...
Coastal Engineering 139, 16-31, 2018
The 2018 Sulawesi tsunami in Palu city as a result of several landslides and coseismic tsunamis
R Aránguiz, M Esteban, H Takagi, T Mikami, T Takabatake, M Gómez, ...
Coastal Engineering Journal 62 (4), 445-459, 2020
Mangrove forest against dyke-break-induced tsunami on rapidly subsiding coasts
H Takagi, T Mikami, D Fujii, M Esteban, S Kurobe
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (7), 1629-1638, 2016
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Articles 1–20