Pierre Tirilly
Pierre Tirilly
Assistant professor, Université de Lille 1
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Language modeling for bag-of-visual words image categorization
P Tirilly, V Claveau, P Gros
Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on Content-based image and …, 2008
Evaluating users’ satisfaction in packet networks using random neural networks
G Rubino, P Tirilly, M Varela
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 303-312, 2006
Multi-layered spiking neural network with target timestamp threshold adaptation and stdp
P Falez, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco, P Devienne, P Boulet
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
Unsupervised visual feature learning with spike-timing-dependent plasticity: How far are we from traditional feature learning approaches?
P Falez, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco, P Devienne, P Boulet
Pattern Recognition 93, 418-429, 2019
Distances and weighting schemes for bag of visual words image retrieval
P Tirilly, V Claveau, P Gros
Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia information …, 2010
A review of weighting schemes for bag of visual words image retrieval
P Tirilly, V Claveau, P Gros
On modality classification and its use in text-based image retrieval in medical databases
P Tirilly, K Lu, X Mu, T Zhao, Y Cao
2011 9th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI …, 2011
Reducing subject tree browsing complexity
CA Julien, P Tirilly, JD Dinneen, C Guastavino
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 …, 2013
Impact of facial landmark localization on facial expression recognition
R Belmonte, B Allaert, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco, C Djeraba, N Sebe
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021
Constructing a true LCSH tree of a science and engineering collection
CA Julien, P Tirilly, JE Leide, C Guastavino
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 …, 2012
Mastering the Output Frequency in Spiking Neural Networks
P Falez, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco, P Devienne, P Boulet
2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
News image annotation on a large parallel text-image corpus
P Tirilly, V Claveau, P Gros
7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2564-2569, 2010
N2S3, an Open-Source Scalable Spiking Neuromorphic Hardware Simulator
P Boulet, P Devienne, P Falez, G Polito, M Shahsavari, P Tirilly
Université de Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies; CRIStAL UMR 9189, 2017
PERCOLI: A Person Identification System for the 2013 REPERE Challenge.
B Favre, G Damnati, F Béchet, M Bendris, D Charlet, R Auguste, S Ayache, ...
SLAM@ INTERSPEECH, 55-60, 2013
Improving STDP-based Visual Feature Learning with Whitening
P Falez, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Multimodal understanding for person recognition in video broadcasts
F Bechet, M Bendris, D Charlet, G Damnati, B Favre, M Rouvier, ...
Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2014
Video-based Face Alignment with Local Motion Modeling
R Belmonte, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco, C Djeraba, N Ihaddadene
IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision, 2019
Real-time glioblastoma tumor microenvironment assessment by SpiderMass for improved patient management
Y Zirem, L Ledoux, L Roussel, CA Maurage, P Tirilly, É Le Rhun, ...
Cell Reports Medicine 5 (4), 2024
2D versus 3D Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks Trained with Unsupervised STDP for Human Action Recognition
M El-Assal, P Tirilly, IM Bilasco
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2022
On the consistency and features of image similarity
P Tirilly, X Mu, C Huang, I Xie, W Jeong, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 4th Information Interaction in Context Symposium, 164-173, 2012
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Articles 1–20