John R.B. Palmer
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Cited by
New approaches to human mobility: Using mobile phones for demographic research
JRB Palmer, TJ Espenshade, F Bartumeus, CY Chung, NE Ozgencil, K Li
Demography 50 (3), 1105-1128, 2013
Human population growth offsets climate-driven increase in woody vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa
M Brandt, K Rasmussen, J Peñuelas, F Tian, G Schurgers, A Verger, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (4), 0081, 2017
Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes
FB John R.B. Palmer, Aitana Oltra, Francisco Collantes, Juan Antonio Delgado ...
Nature Communications 8 (916), 2017
Direct evidence of adult Aedes albopictus dispersal by car
R Eritja, JRB Palmer, D Roiz, I Sanpera-Calbet, F Bartumeus
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14399, 2017
Educational achievement gaps between immigrant and native students in two “new” immigration countries: Italy and Spain in comparison
D Azzolini, P Schnell, JRB Palmer
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 643 (1 …, 2012
Expectation-Maximization Binary Clustering for Behavioural Annotation
J Garriga, JRB Palmer, A Oltra, F Bartumeus
PLoS ONE 11 (13), 2015
Why are So Many People Challenging Board of Immigration Appeals Decisions in Federal Court-An Empirical Analysis of the Recent Surge in Petitions for Review
JRB Palmer, SW Yale-Loehr, E Cronin
Geo. Immigr. LJ 20, 1, 2005
Exorbitant jurisdiction
KM Clermont, JRB Palmer
Me. L. Rev. 58, 474, 2006
Labor market laws and intra-European migration: The role of the state in shaping destination choices
JRB Palmer, M Pytlikova
European Journal of Population 31 (2), 127-153, 2015
Deep learning identification for citizen science surveillance of tiger mosquitoes
BA Pataki, J Garriga, R Eritja, JRB Palmer, F Bartumeus, I Csabai
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4718, 2021
Citizen science: a gateway for innovation in disease-carrying mosquito management?
F Bartumeus, A Oltra, JRB Palmer
Trends in Parasitology 34 (9), 727-729, 2018
Group privacy in the age of big data
L Kammourieh, T Baar, J Berens, E Letouzé, J Manske, J Palmer, ...
Group privacy: New challenges of data technologies, 37-66, 2017
Nature and Causes of the Immigration Surge in the Federal Courts of Appeals: A Preliminary Analysis, The
JRB Palmer
NYL sch. L. rev. 51, 13, 2006
Activity-space segregation: Understanding social divisions in space and time
JRB Palmer
Princeton University, 2013
Integrating global citizen science platforms to enable next-generation surveillance of invasive and vector mosquitoes
RM Carney, C Mapes, RD Low, A Long, A Bowser, D Durieux, K Rivera, ...
Insects 13 (8), 675, 2022
Primera cita de mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus (Diptera, Culicidae), para Andalucía y primera corroboración de los datos de la aplicación Tigatrapp
S Delacour-Estrella, F Collantes, I Ruiz-Arrondo, PM Alarcón-Elbal, ...
Anales de Biología, 93-96, 2014
Active and Reactive Behaviour in Human Mobility: The Influence of Attraction Points on Pedestrians
M Gutiérrez-Roig, O Sagarra, A Oltra, JRB Palmer, F Bartumeus, ...
Royal Society Open Science 3 (160177), 2016
The Second Circuit's New Asylum Seekers: Responses to an Expanded Immigration Docket
JRB Palmer
Cath. U. L. Rev. 55, 965, 2006
Decision-support tools to build climate resilience against emerging infectious diseases in Europe and beyond
J Rocklöv, JC Semenza, S Dasgupta, EJZ Robinson, A Abd El Wahed, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 32, 2023
Mosquito alert: leveraging citizen science to create a GBIF mosquito occurrence dataset
Ž Južnič-Zonta, I Sanpera-Calbet, R Eritja, JRB Palmer, A Escobar, ...
Gigabyte 2022, 2022
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Articles 1–20