Benjamin P Gold
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Cited by
Predictability and uncertainty in the pleasure of music: a reward for learning?
BP Gold, MT Pearce, E Mas-Herrero, A Dagher, RJ Zatorre
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (47), 9397-9409, 2019
Musical reward prediction errors engage the nucleus accumbens and motivate learning
BP Gold, E Mas-Herrero, Y Zeighami, M Benovoy, A Dagher, RJ Zatorre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (8), 3310-3315, 2019
Pleasurable music affects reinforcement learning according to the listener
BP Gold, MJ Frank, B Bogert, E Brattico
Frontiers in psychology 4, 541, 2013
Surprise-related activation in the nucleus accumbens interacts with music-induced pleasantness
O Shany, N Singer, BP Gold, N Jacoby, R Tarrasch, T Hendler, R Granot
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 14 (4), 459-470, 2019
Hidden sources of joy, fear, and sadness: Explicit versus implicit neural processing of musical emotions
B Bogert, T Numminen-Kontti, B Gold, M Sams, J Numminen, I Burunat, ...
Neuropsychologia 89, 393-402, 2016
The association of noise sensitivity with music listening, training, and aptitude
M Kliuchko, M Heinonen-Guzejev, L Monacis, BP Gold, KV Heikkilä, ...
Noise and Health 17 (78), 350, 2015
Music predictability and liking enhance pupil dilation and promote motor learning in non-musicians
R Bianco, BP Gold, AP Johnson, VB Penhune
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17060, 2019
Inter-subject similarity of brain activity in expert musicians after multimodal learning: a behavioral and neuroimaging study on learning to play a piano sonata
MC Fasano, E Glerean, BP Gold, D Sheng, M Sams, P Vuust, ...
Neuroscience 441, 102-116, 2020
Fractionating auditory priors: A neural dissociation between active and passive experience of musical sounds
M Kliuchko, E Brattico, BP Gold, M Tervaniemi, B Bogert, P Toiviainen, ...
PLOS ONE 14 (5), e0216499, 2019
Whole-brain computation of cognitive versus acoustic errors in music: A mismatch negativity study
L Bonetti, F Carlomagno, M Kliuchko, BP Gold, S Palva, NT Haumann, ...
Neuroimage: Reports 2 (4), 100145, 2022
Interindividual Signatures of fMRI Temporal Fluctuations
S Zhang, LJ Spoletini, BP Gold, VL Morgan, BP Rogers, C Chang
Cerebral Cortex 31 (10), 4450-4463, 2021
A unified physiological process links global patterns of functional MRI, respiratory activity, and autonomic signaling
T Bolt, S Wang, JS Nomi, R Setton, BP Gold, BB Frederick, RN Spreng, ...
bioRxiv, 2023-01, 2023
Widespread neural and autonomic system synchrony across the brain-body axis
T Bolt, S Wang, JS Nomi, R Setton, BP Gold, BB Frederick, BTT Yeo, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.01. 19.524818, 2023
Auditory and reward structures reflect the pleasure of musical expectancies during naturalistic listening
BP Gold, MT Pearce, AR McIntosh, C Chang, A Dagher, RJ Zatorre
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1209398, 0
Whole-brain computation of cognitive versus acoustic errors in music
L Bonetti, F Carlomagno, M Kliuchko, BP Gold, S Palva, NT Haumann, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.05. 17.492262, 2022
Reply to de Fleurian et al.: Toward a fuller understanding of reward prediction errors and their role in musical pleasure
BP Gold, E Mas-Herrero, A Dagher, RJ Zatorre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (42), 20815-20816, 2019
Predictive processing in the pleasure of music
B Gold
McGill University, 2019
Vigilance associates with the low-dimensional structure of fMRI data
S Zhang, SE Goodale, BP Gold, VL Morgan, DJ Englot, C Chang
NeuroImage 267, 119818, 2023
The Reward of Musical Emotions and Expectations
BP Gold, RJ Zatorre
Functional MRI signals exhibit stronger covariation with peripheral autonomic measures as vigilance decreases
BP Gold, SE Goodale, C Zhao, H Pourmotabbed, JA de Zwart, PS Özbay, ...
Imaging Neuroscience 2, 1-25, 2024
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Articles 1–20