Ivan Koulakov
Ivan Koulakov
確認したメール アドレス: skoltech.ru - ホームページ
LOTOS code for local earthquake tomographic inversion: Benchmarks for testing tomographic algorithms
I Koulakov
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (1), 194-214, 2009
P- and S-velocity anomalies in the upper mantle beneath Europe from tomographic inversion of ISC data
I Koulakov, MK Kaban, M Tesauro, S Cloetingh
Geophysical Journal International 179 (1), 345-366, 2009
High‐frequency P and S velocity anomalies in the upper mantle beneath Asia from inversion of worldwide traveltime data
I Koulakov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B4), 2011
A tomographic image of Indian lithosphere break-off beneath the Pamir–Hindukush region
I Koulakov, SV Sobolev
Geophysical Journal International 164 (2), 425-440, 2006
A large magmatic sill complex beneath the Toba caldera
K Jaxybulatov, NM Shapiro, I Koulakov, A Mordret, M Landès, ...
science 346 (6209), 617-619, 2014
P and S velocity structure of the crust and the upper mantle beneath central Java from local tomography inversion
I Koulakov, M Bohm, G Asch, BG Lühr, A Manzanares, KS Brotopuspito, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B8), 2007
Rapid changes in magma storage beneath the Klyuchevskoy group of volcanoes inferred from time-dependent seismic tomography
I Koulakov, EI Gordeev, NL Dobretsov, VA Vernikovsky, S Senyukov, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 263, 75-91, 2013
Melting at the base of the Greenland ice sheet explained by Iceland hotspot history
I Rogozhina, AG Petrunin, APM Vaughan, B Steinberger, JV Johnson, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (5), 366-369, 2016
4D Arctic: a glimpse into the structure and evolution of the Arctic in the light of new geophysical maps, plate tectonics and tomographic models
C Gaina, S Medvedev, TH Torsvik, I Koulakov, SC Werner
Surveys in Geophysics 35, 1095-1122, 2014
Seismic tomographic imaging of P- and S-waves velocity perturbations in the upper mantle beneath Iran
A Alinaghi, I Koulakov, H Thybo
Geophysical Journal International 169 (3), 1089-1102, 2007
Concerning tectonics and the tectonic evolution of the Arctic
VA Vernikovsky, NL Dobretsov, DV Metelkin, NY Matushkin, IY Koulakov
Russian Geology and Geophysics 54 (8), 838-858, 2013
Joint inversion of active and passive seismic data in Central Java
D Wagner, I Koulakov, W Rabbel, BG Luehr, A Wittwer, H Kopp, M Bohm, ...
Geophysical Journal International 170 (2), 923-932, 2007
Mechanism of the Andean orogeny: insight from numerical modeling
SV Sobolev, AY Babeyko, I Koulakov, O Oncken
The Andes: Active Subduction Orogeny, 513-535, 2006
Nature of orogenesis and volcanism in the Caucasus region based on results of regional tomography
I Koulakov, I Zabelina, I Amanatashvili, V Meskhia
Solid Earth 3 (2), 327-337, 2012
Velocity structure around the Baikal rift zone from teleseismic and local earthquake traveltimes and geodynamic implications
C Petit, I Koulakov, J Deverchère
Tectonophysics 296 (1-2), 125-144, 1998
Feeding volcanoes of the Kluchevskoy group from the results of local earthquake tomography
I Koulakov, EI Gordeev, NL Dobretsov, VA Vernikovsky, S Senyukov, ...
Geophysical research letters 38 (9), 2011
P- and S-velocity images of the lithosphere—asthenosphere system in the Central Andes from local-source tomographic inversion
I Koulakov, SV Sobolev, G Asch
Geophysical Journal International 167 (1), 106-126, 2006
P, S velocity and VP/VS ratio beneath the Toba caldera complex (Northern Sumatra) from local earthquake tomography
I Koulakov, T Yudistira, BG Luehr, Wandono
Geophysical Journal International 177 (3), 1121-1139, 2009
Moho depth and three-dimensional P and S structure of the crust and uppermost mantle in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East derived from tomographic …
I Koulakov, SV Sobolev
Geophysical Journal International 164 (1), 218-235, 2006
Slab shape in subduction zones beneath the Kurile–Kamchatka and Aleutian arcs based on regional tomography results
IY Koulakov, NL Dobretsov, NA Bushenkova, AV Yakovlev
Russian Geology and Geophysics 52 (6), 650-667, 2011
論文 1–20