Takahiko Koike
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Human brain activity time-locked to rapid eye movements during REM sleep
S Miyauchi, M Misaki, S Kan, T Fukunaga, T Koike
Experimental Brain Research 192 (4), 657-667, 2009
Hyperscanning neuroimaging technique to reveal the “two-in-one” system in social interactions
T Koike, HC Tanabe, N Sadato
Neuroscience research 90, 25-32, 2015
Efficiency of a “small-world” brain network depends on consciousness level: a resting-state fMRI study
T Uehara, T Yamasaki, T Okamoto, T Koike, S Kan, S Miyauchi, J Kira, ...
Cerebral Cortex, 2013
Neural substrates of shared attention as social memory: A hyperscanning functional magnetic resonance imaging study
T Koike, HC Tanabe, S Okazaki, E Nakagawa, AT Sasaki, K Shimada, ...
NeuroImage 125, 401-412, 2016
Connectivity pattern changes in default-mode network with deep non-REM and REM sleep
T Koike, S Kan, M Misaki, S Miyauchi
Neuroscience research 69 (4), 322-330, 2011
Hard to “tune in”: neural mechanisms of live face-to-face interaction with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder
HC Tanabe, H Kosaka, DN Saito, T Koike, MJ Hayashi, K Izuma, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 268, 2012
What makes eye contact special? Neural substrates of on-line mutual eye-gaze: a hyperscanning fMRI study
T Koike, M Sumiya, E Nakagawa, S Okazaki, N Sadato
eNeuro 6 (1), 2019
Structural and functional associations of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex with subjective happiness
M Matsunaga, H Kawamichi, T Koike, K Yoshihara, Y Yoshida, ...
NeuroImage 134, 132-141, 2016
Neural correlates of online cooperation during joint force production
MO Abe, T Koike, S Okazaki, SK Sugawara, K Takahashi, K Watanabe, ...
NeuroImage 191, 150-161, 2019
The role of prosody and context in sarcasm comprehension: Behavioral and fMRI evidence
T Matsui, T Nakamura, A Utsumi, AT Sasaki, T Koike, Y Yoshida, ...
Neuropsychologia 87, 74-84, 2016
Network-dependent modulation of brain activity during sleep
T Watanabe, S Kan, T Koike, M Misaki, S Konishi, S Miyauchi, Y Miyahsita, ...
NeuroImage 98, 1-10, 2014
Neural correlates of fear-induced sympathetic response associated with the peripheral temperature change rate
K Yoshihara, HC Tanabe, H Kawamichi, T Koike, M Yamazaki, N Sudo, ...
NeuroImage 134, 522-531, 2016
Achieving affective human–virtual agent communication by enabling virtual agents to imitate positive expressions
T Numata, H Sato, Y Asa, T Koike, K Miyata, E Nakagawa, M Sumiya, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-11, 2020
Stochastic guided search model for search asymmetries in visual search tasks
T Koike, J Saiki
International Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, 408-417, 2002
Unintentional interpersonal synchronization represented as a reciprocal visuo-postural feedback system: a multivariate autoregressive modeling approach
S Okazaki, M Hirotani, T Koike, J Bosch-Bayard, HK Takahashi, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), 2015
Role of the right anterior insular cortex in joint attention-related identification with a partner
T Koike, HC Tanabe, S Adachi-Abe, S Okazaki, E Nakagawa, AT Sasaki, ...
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 14 (10), 1131-1145, 2019
Frequency-specific task modulation of human brain functional networks: A fast fMRI study
S Sasai, T Koike, SK Sugawara, YH Hamano, M Sumiya, S Okazaki, ...
NeuroImage 224, 117375, 2020
Neural Substrates of Shared Visual Experiences: A Hyperscanning fMRI Study
A Yoshioka, HC Tanabe, M Sumiya, E Nakagawa, S Okazaki, T Koike, ...
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2021
Attenuated activation of the anterior rostral medial prefrontal cortex on self-relevant social reward processing in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
M Sumiya, Y Okamoto, T Koike, T Tanigawa, H Okazawa, H Kosaka, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical, 102249, 2020
Visual search asymmetry with uncertain targets.
J Saiki, T Koike, K Takahashi, T Inoue
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (6 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20