Shannon Cuykendall
Cited by
Cited by
Strategies for embodied design: The value and challenges of observing movement
S Fdili Alaoui, T Schiphorst, S Cuykendall, K Carlson, K Studd, K Bradley
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition …, 2015
The cognitive benefits of movement reduction: evidence from dance marking
EC Warburton, M Wilson, M Lynch, S Cuykendall
Psychological Science 24 (9), 1732-1739, 2013
How do experts observe movement?
S Fdili Alaoui, K Carlson, S Cuykendall, K Bradley, K Studd, T Schiphorst
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing, 84-91, 2015
Simply spinning: Extending current design frameworks for kinesthetic empathy
S Cuykendall, E Soutar-Rau, K Cochrane, J Freiberg, T Schiphorst
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and …, 2015
Designing interaction categories for kinesthetic empathy: A case study of synchronous objects
S Cuykendall, T Schiphorst, J Bizzocchi
Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing, 13-18, 2014
If words could dance: moving from body to data through kinesthetic evaluation
S Cuykendall, E Soutar-Rau, T Schiphorst, S DiPaola
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 234-238, 2016
Spacedisplaced: Investigating presence through mediated participatory environments
P Sun, S Cuykendall, K Carlson, M Lantin, T Schiphorst
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing, 1-6, 2016
POEME: a poetry engine powered by your movement
S Cuykendall, E Soutar-Rau, T Schiphorst
Proceedings of the TEI'16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible …, 2016
When doing the wrong thing is right
D Kirsh, R Caballero, S Cuykendall
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 34 (34), 2012
Beyond the here and now: Exploring threaded presence in mediated, improvised performance
K Carlson, P Sun, S Cuykendall, M Lantin, T Schiphorst, G Corness
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 26 (2), 97-110, 2017
Hearing movement: how taiko can inform automatic recognition of expressive movement qualities
S Cuykendall, M Junokas, M Amanzadeh, DK Tcheng, Y Wang, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing, 140-147, 2015
Fractured Perspectives: Movement and Light.
S Cuykendall, S DiPaola, R Muntean, P Sun
EVA, 2017
Transmitting and Distributing Bodily Knowledge in the Digital Age
S Cuykendall, T Schiphorst
Congress on Research in Dance Conference Proceedings 2016, 94-105, 2016
A framework for hybrid multimodal performances
S Cuykendall, P Sun, R Muntean, T Schiphorst, S DiPaola
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2017), 2017
Floating Departures: Developing Quarantine Dance Technique as an Artistic Practice Beyond the Pandemic
S Cuykendall, S DiPaola
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing, 1-7, 2022
The I-TEC Design Framework for Kinesthetic Transmission in Online Spaces
S Cuykendall, T Schiphorst
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing, 1-12, 2022
Untying the knot of dance expertise: Enabling kinesthetic transfer in technologically-mediated spaces
S Cuykendall
Simon Fraser University, 2022
Untying the Knot of Dance Movement Expertise: An Enactive Approach
S Cuykendall, T Schiphorst
Demo hour
M Mosher, D Tinapple, E Tomas, K Konno, R Owaki, Y Onishi, R Kanda, ...
Interactions 23 (3), 8-11, 2016
Choreographic Research: Cognitive Neuroscience, Dance and Digital Technology
SB Cuykendall
University of California, Irvine, 2011
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Articles 1–20