Manabu Tokushige
Manabu Tokushige
確認したメール アドレス: chiba-u.jp
Plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis to form various metal/alloy nanoparticles
M Tokushige, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 46, 619-626, 2010
Synthesis of Ni nanoparticles by plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis
M Tokushige, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Journal of applied electrochemistry 39, 1665-1670, 2009
Electrochemical behaviour of dissolved iron chloride in KCl+ LiCl+ NaCl melt at 550ºC
B Khalaghi, E Kvalheim, M Tokushige, L Teng, S Seetharaman, ...
ECS Transactions 64 (4), 301, 2014
Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles (Fe and FePt) by plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis
M Tokushige, T Yamanaka, A Matsuura, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
IEEE transactions on plasma science 37 (7), 1156-1160, 2009
Formation of FePt intermetallic compound nanoparticles by plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis
M Tokushige, T Nishikiori, MC Lafouresse, C Michioka, K Yoshimura, ...
Electrochimica acta 55 (27), 8154-8159, 2010
Crystal orientation of iron produced by electrodeoxidation of hematite particles
M Tokushige, OE Kongstein, GM Haarberg
ECS Transactions 50 (52), 103, 2013
Formation of fine Ni nanoparticle by plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis using rotating disk anode
M Tokushige, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 157 (10), E162, 2010
Formation of Co–Pt Intermetallic Compound Nanoparticles by Plasma-Induced Cathodic Discharge Electrolysis in a Chloride Melt
M Tokushige, A Matsuura, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 158 (2), E21, 2010
Formation of Sm-Co intermetallic compound nanoparticles based on plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis in chloride melt
M Tokushige, H Hongo, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (1), E5, 2011
Formation of metallic Si and SiC nanoparticles from SiO2 particles by plasma-induced cathodic discharge electrolysis in chloride melt
M Tokushige, H Tsujimura, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Electrochimica Acta 100, 300-303, 2013
Adsorption and desorption behaviors of ammonia on zeolites at 473 K by the pressure–swing method
M Tokushige, J Ryu
ACS omega 8 (36), 32536-32543, 2023
Method for forming a boron-containing thin film and multilayer structure
N Tsurumi, Y Ito, M Tokushige, T Satomi, T Nishikiori, H Tsujimura
US Patent App. 13/125,767, 2011
Production method for silicon nanoparticles
Y Ito, M Tokushige, T Nishikiori, H Tsujimura
US Patent 9,562,296, 2017
Production of Iron Alloy by Direct Electrolytic Reduction Using Suspension Electrolysis in an Alkaline Electrolyte
M Tokushige, OE Kongstein, GM Haarberg
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (11), 112501, 2022
Oxide-Ion Diffusivity in Fluorite and Perovskite Oxides for Inert Anode in Molten Salts and their Characterization
M Tokushige
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (6), 062505, 2022
Plasma-Induced Discharge Electrolysis for Nanoparticle Production
Y Ito, T Nishikiori, M Tokushige
Molten Salts Chemistry, 269-286, 2013
Absorption and desorption behaviours of ammonia on bis (fluorosulfonyl) amide salts investigated using the pressure-swing method
M Tokushige, R Fujisawa, J Ryu
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 8 (2), 397-402, 2024
Nanoparticle Size Control Using a Rotating Disk Anode for Plasma‐Induced Cathodic Discharge Electrolysis
M Tokushige, T Nishikiori, Y Ito
Molten Salts Chemistry and Technology, 133-141, 2014
Lattice-dynamics-based characterization of La1-xAxCoO3-δ (A = Sr, Ba) nanoparticles for an inert anode in molten salts
M Tokushige
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 26 (12), 2781-2790, 2022
Method for forming a boron-containing thin film and multilayer structure
N Tsurumi, Y Ito, M Tokushige, T Satomi, T Nishikiori, H Tsujimura
US Patent App. 15/617,717, 2017
論文 1–20