Daniel Nilsson
Daniel Nilsson
Clinical scientist, Karolinska University Hospital
確認したメール アドレス: scilifelab.se
The Genome Sequence of Trypanosoma cruzi, Etiologic Agent of Chagas Disease
NM El-Sayed, PJ Myler, DC Bartholomeu, D Nilsson, G Aggarwal, ...
Science 309 (5733), 409-415, 2005
Comparative genomics of trypanosomatid parasitic protozoa
NM El-Sayed, PJ Myler, G Blandin, M Berriman, J Crabtree, G Aggarwal, ...
Science 309 (5733), 404-409, 2005
Selective charging of tRNA isoacceptors explains patterns of codon usage
J Elf, D Nilsson, T Tenson, M Ehrenberg
Science 300 (5626), 1718-1722, 2003
Autoregulation of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway in human cells
H Yepiskoposyan, F Aeschimann, D Nilsson, M Okoniewski, ...
Rna 17 (12), 2108-2118, 2011
Spliced Leader Trapping Reveals Widespread Alternative Splicing Patterns in the Highly Dynamic Transcriptome of Trypanosoma brucei
D Nilsson, K Gunasekera, J Mani, M Osteras, L Farinelli, L Baerlocher, ...
PLoS pathogens 6 (8), e1001037, 2010
Integration of whole genome sequencing into a healthcare setting: high diagnostic rates across multiple clinical entities in 3219 rare disease patients
H Stranneheim, K Lagerstedt-Robinson, M Magnusson, M Kvarnung, ...
Genome Medicine 13, 1-15, 2021
SweGen: a whole-genome data resource of genetic variability in a cross-section of the Swedish population
A Ameur, J Dahlberg, P Olason, F Vezzi, R Karlsson, M Martin, J Viklund, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 25 (11), 1253-1260, 2017
The genome of the heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis, reveals drug and vaccine targets
C Godel, S Kumar, G Koutsovoulos, P Ludin, D Nilsson, F Comandatore, ...
The FASEB Journal, 2012
A novel intellectual disability syndrome caused by GPI anchor deficiency due to homozygous mutations in PIGT
M Kvarnung, D Nilsson, A Lindstrand, GC Korenke, SCC Chiang, ...
Journal of medical genetics 50 (8), 521-528, 2013
Neu-Laxova syndrome is a heterogeneous metabolic disorder caused by defects in enzymes of the L-serine biosynthesis pathway
R Acuna-Hidalgo, D Schanze, A Kariminejad, A Nordgren, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 95 (3), 285-293, 2014
From cytogenetics to cytogenomics: whole-genome sequencing as a first-line test comprehensively captures the diverse spectrum of disease-causing genetic variation underlying …
A Lindstrand, J Eisfeldt, M Pettersson, CMB Carvalho, M Kvarnung, ...
Genome medicine 11, 1-23, 2019
Messenger RNA processing sites in Trypanosoma brucei
C Benz, D Nilsson, B Andersson, C Clayton, DL Guilbride
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 143 (2), 125-134, 2005
An international effort towards developing standards for best practices in analysis, interpretation and reporting of clinical genome sequencing results in the CLARITY Challenge
CA Brownstein, AH Beggs, N Homer, B Merriman, TW Yu, KC Flannery, ...
Genome biology 15, 1-18, 2014
TIDDIT, an efficient and comprehensive structural variant caller for massive parallel sequencing data
J Eisfeldt, F Vezzi, P Olason, D Nilsson, A Lindstrand
F1000Research 6, 2017
PfEMP1-DBL1α amino acid motifs in severe disease states of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
J Normark, D Nilsson, U Ribacke, G Winter, K Moll, CE Wheelock, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (40), 15835-15840, 2007
Genetic spectrum of idiopathic restrictive cardiomyopathy uncovered by next-generation sequencing
A Kostareva, A Kiselev, A Gudkova, G Frishman, A Ruepp, D Frishman, ...
PLoS One 11 (9), e0163362, 2016
Repetitive DNA is associated with centromeric domains in Trypanosoma brucei but not Trypanosoma cruzi
SO Obado, C Bot, D Nilsson, B Andersson, JM Kelly
Genome biology 8, 1-14, 2007
Genome-wide identification of molecular mimicry candidates in parasites
P Ludin, D Nilsson, P Mäser
PLoS One 6 (3), e17546, 2011
Phylogenomics of ligand-gated ion channels predicts monepantel effect
L Rufener, J Keiser, R Kaminsky, P Mäser, D Nilsson
PLoS pathogens 6 (9), e1001091, 2010
Whole‐genome sequencing of cytogenetically balanced chromosome translocations identifies potentially pathological gene disruptions and highlights the importance of …
D Nilsson, M Pettersson, P Gustavsson, A Förster, W Hofmeister, ...
Human mutation 38 (2), 180-192, 2017
論文 1–20