Michael J Lacki
Michael J Lacki
Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Kentucky
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Bats in forests: conservation and management
MJ Lacki, JP Hayes, A Kurta
JHU Press, 2007
Habitat management for forest-roosting bats of North America: a critical review of habitat studies
DA Miller, EB Arnett, MJ Lacki
Wildlife Society Bulletin 31 (1), 30-30, 2003
An assessment of habitat quality for northern bobwhite in tall fescue-dominated fields
TG Barnes, LA Madison, JD Sole, MJ Lacki
Wildlife Society Bulletin, 231-237, 1995
Day-roost characteristics of northern bats in mixed mesophytic forest
MJ Lacki, JH Schwierjohann
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 482-488, 2001
Response of northern bats (Myotis septentrionalis) to prescribed fires in eastern Kentucky forests
MJ Lacki, DR Cox, LE Dodd, MB Dickinson
Journal of Mammalogy 90 (5), 1165-1175, 2009
Foraging ecology of bats in forests
MJ Lacki, SK Amelon, MD Baker
Bats in forests: conservation and management (MJ LACKI, JP HAYES, and A …, 2007
Selection of day roosts by red bats in mixed mesophytic forests
JT Hutchinson, MJ Lacki
The Journal of wildlife management, 87-94, 2000
Forest structure affects trophic linkages: how silvicultural disturbance impacts bats and their insect prey
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki, ER Britzke, DA Buehler, PD Keyser, JL Larkin, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 267, 262-270, 2012
Insectivorous bats and silviculture: balancing timber production and bat conservation
B Law, KJ Park, MJ Lacki
Bats in the Anthropocene: conservation of bats in a changing world, 105-150, 2016
Foraging areas and habitat use of the Virginia big-eared bat in Kentucky
MD Adam, MJ Lacki, TG Barnes
The Journal of wildlife management, 462-469, 1994
Effects of wild pigs on beech growth in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
MJ Lacki, RA Lancia
The Journal of wildlife management, 655-659, 1986
Short-term changes in bird communities in response to silvicultural prescriptions
MD Baker, MJ Lacki
Forest ecology and management 96 (1-2), 27-36, 1997
Roost selection, population size and habitat use by a colony of Rafinesque's big-eared bats (Corynorhinus rafinesquii)
TE Hurst, MJ Lacki
The American Midland Naturalist 142 (2), 363-371, 1999
Occurrence of moths among habitats in a mixed mesophytic forest: implications for management of forest bats
LS Burford, MJ Lacki, CV Covell Jr
Forest Science 45 (3), 323-332, 1999
Day‐roosting habitat of female long‐legged myotis in ponderosa pine forests
MD Baker, MJ Lacki
The Journal of wildlife management 70 (1), 207-215, 2006
Meta-analysis of summer roosting characteristics of two species of Myotis bats
MJ Lacki, DR Cox, MB Dickinson
The American Midland Naturalist 162 (2), 318-326, 2009
Effects of reproductive condition, roost microclimate, and weather patterns on summer torpor use by a vespertilionid bat
JS Johnson, MJ Lacki
Ecology and Evolution 4 (2), 157-166, 2014
Variation in moth occurrence and implications for foraging habitat of Ozark big-eared bats
LE Dodd, MJ Lacki, LK Rieske
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (11), 3866-3872, 2008
Fire and the endangered Indiana bat
MB Dickinson, MJ Lacki, DR Cox
Proceedings of the 3rd fire in eastern oak forests conference. Gen. Tech …, 2009
Identification of prey of Myotis septentrionalis using DNA-based techniques
LE Dodd, EG Chapman, JD Harwood, MJ Lacki, LK Rieske
Journal of Mammalogy 93 (4), 1119-1128, 2012
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